Chapter 30

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The week is going by quickly, I feel like I've been working and studying so much, I haven't even spent time with Aiden.

I'm sitting at the dining room table going through my stats book. Aiden walks through the door and comes up to me and kisses me on the neck. He peers down at my book. "This seems eerily familiar." He gives me a wink.

I shake my head, "no, I can't handle any distractions. After Friday, I promise I'm all yours. I need to pass this final to graduate."

He walks up and starts to rub my shoulders. He leans down and his hot breath hits my ear. "Baby your so tense. You need to relax. I know more than one way to do that."

Damn it, he's turning me on and he knows it. "Aiden....I really need to study."

He kisses my cheek. "Okay Baby, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone." I feel like shit.

I walk up to him in the kitchen. I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. "I'm sorry I've been snappy lately. This class is just stressing me out. I promise you can have all of me after Friday." I kiss him passionately.

He breaks our kiss, "I'm going to hold you to that."

I smile, "I wouldn't expect any less."

I walk back to the table and finish studying for my final.


I had aced my final and now for graduation. I stand in our bedroom with my cap and gown on, looking into the mirror. I remember the day I looked back at myself and wondered who I was with all of the bruises and cuts. Now, I know I'm strong, stronger than I ever thought possible.

I have an amazing family and a man who truly loves me. A kiss on my neck jolts me out of my thoughts. "We have some time you know. I could make you cum quick before graduation." He says, breathing on me.

I shake my head, smirking. "Not a chance. I need to leave now. But, if you're good I may not wear panties under my dress." I wink at him and he groans.

Aiden drops me off at the university, while he heads to meet my family.

I get into line. I'm really nervous. What if I go the wrong way? Crap, what if I trip on the stage.

I hear names being called, one by one, my peers cross the stage. Then my ears ring, "Miss Mia Vinatieri." I take a deep breath, hearing my name being called. I walk across the stage and shake the President's hand and pose with a picture. I can hear my entire family cheering and clapping. It makes me giggle.

Once the ceremony was over, I came outside and found my family. They smothered and congratulated me on my hard work.

My Dad wraps his arms around me. "Mia, I'm so proud of you. You've come so far since the day I met you." He says. I hug him tighter.

He lets me go, "okay, let's eat and celebrate."

Aiden wraps his arm around my shoulder and leans into my ear. "I'm so proud of you baby."

I give him a kiss and stick something in his pocket. He feels my hand and quickly grabs it. His eyes widen when he realized I had stuck my panties in his pocket. He looked me up and down. I gave him a deep kiss, diving my tongue in his mouth. I hear him groan. "Fuck...Mia."

We make our way to the restaurant. I sit between my Dad and Aiden. Caleb and Sophia sit across for me and the rest of our family gathers around the table. It's so loud, you can barely think, but I love every second of it.

Once dinner was done, Aiden got up from his seat. "Where are you going?" I ask.

He smirks, "I'm going to get this party started with karaoke."

I cock one eyebrow, "you're a good singer, but you hate doing it in front of everyone."

He laughs, "yeah well, we are celebrating. Why not have a little fun."

Aiden goes to the stage and everyone stands up and starts to follow. I stand in front, watching him.

He starts singing

When your vision fades to black and white
Cause your day hasn't gone quite right
Just remember I am never far
It doesn't matter where you are
Just reach your hands into the night
And see I've never left your side
Just like I swore so many times

Just because you're gone
Doesn't mean that I've moved on
I still love you just the same
I still crumble at your name
Because the love you make me feel
Is the only thing that's real
And I need you to be alright
I'm forever yours to hold
Oh, as long as I have a life

Aiden steps off the stage and walks up to me. He grabs my hands.

"Mia, I know we almost lost our way, but we found our way back to each other through all of the darkness. You are such a beautiful, smart, caring, driven and passionate woman and sometimes damn stubborn. But, I'm absolutely crazy about you. There's nothing in this world that I want more than you. When I said I wanted all of you, I meant it."

He sticks his hand in his pocket and pulls out a black box. He gets down on one knee and opens it. It's a beautiful solitaire diamond ring.

"Mia, I love you so much. Will you marry me?"

I put my hands up to my face and start crying. Tears streaming down my face. I shake my head, "y...yes. I will marry you." I stutter.

He grabs me and kisses me hard. Once he lets go, he slips the ring onto my left ring finger. I smile and kiss him again. His hands dive into my hair, pulling me further into him.

I'm completely captivated by this man.

In that moment, I realize that Aiden not only has saved countless lives in the military, he saved mine as well. He helped me discover who I am and showed me love and compassion and what true happiness feels like.

He's my hero.

The end

Wow...let me know what you guys think! I'm kind of sad to see this book end. But, I wanted it to end on a happy note. Thanks for all of the votes and kind words. I truly enjoy reading them and responding. In June, I plan on releasing a different book. Right now, I'm focusing on my husband, career and dogs. Don't be afraid to shoot me a message. Follow me for updates! :)

Someone made a suggestion for an epilogue. I will write one tonight and immediately post it.

My Soldier. My Hero. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now