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Your first date(females)

Capricorn- Jane the Killer(or Everlasting)- You tried to kill Jeff together :p

Aquarius- Sally(Older)- You went for icecream!

Pisces- Judge Angels- Went for coffee(sorry if you don't like coffee)

Aries- Nurse Ann- You went shopping together

Taurus- Lazari(Older)- You went to a party

Gemini- Laughing Jill- Went to a carnival(Super original)

Cancer- Kate the Chaser- You went horse-back riding

Leo- Clockwork- You robbed a bank(super fun :p)

Virgo- Nina the Killer- Went to the movies

Libra- Bloody Mary- Scaring the sh*t outta people

Scorpio- Lulu- Killing(I dont know much about her, sorry)

Sagittarius- Pinkemena- You helped her collect ingredients for her cupcakes

Halp! I'm running outta ideas! This brain doesn't work.

Creepypasta ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora