A Crush? On My Boss?

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As soon as I was in the safety of my car, I pulled out my phone to call Sienna. "You really need a best friend," she told me as she answered, "I was with Tyler." Tyler was her newest boyfriend, but she hadn't told me that they'd had sex yet so perhaps I had just messed up that opportunity, but at the moment, I didn't care.

"Sienna, you are my sister!" I told her quickly with excitement, "So you have to know! Oh my gosh, she has a crush on me!"

Sienna giggled, "No shit. It's not ordinary that your boss ups and takes you out to dinner. So what? You have a crush on her too."

I answered anxiously, "I don't know what! That's why I'm calling you! I told her let's go with the flow, but what flow is there? I'm younger than her; inexperienced; and her freaking employee!"

"Linnea," my sister soothed, "Relax. You need to go with the flow. She may just teach you how to enjoy life for once." I sighed and considered my sister's point of view. I told her about the rest of the evening and she was really happy for me. "Just don't ever piss her off; you might just lose your job," Sienna joked.

I snorted, "I know right." I was pulling up to my apartment, so I finished our conversation, "I told her about Sterling...she doesn't believe in all the soulmate and color thing. What if I see color with her but it's not the real thing?"

"Linnea. Go inside; get some rest; enjoy your weekend. Relax. No one knows what the future holds; all you can do is wait to see what's going to happen," my sister advised. I was so fretful and she always seemed so calm and collected. I was jealous.

A sigh escaped my lips, "Alright, Sienna." And with that I hung up. Luckily, it was Friday, so I figured I'd get some time away from Jade. Physically, I suppose I did, but mentally, she never left my mind.

For one, my phone was practically glued to my cheek the entire weekend. Jade talked a lot, but that was fine with me. At work, she was so strict and serious, but outside of work, she was actually very bubbly. She still didn't take any shit, but she was sweet.

Monday morning when I woke up, I had a text from her:

Good morning! See you at work today. Pick me up a caramel macchiato! Light caramel with almond milk and just a dollop of whip cream.

A smile crossed my lips and I gave a tired yawn as I stared at my phone. What the heck was a dollop? I called her and I could tell she was in the car. For it to be her business and have people working for her, Jade was always at work about an hour before everyone else. She'd told me she wanted to open the store how she wanted and not rely on anyone, not even Robin.

"Quick question," I told her with a nervous laugh.

She sighed, "Oh my gosh, Linnea, I gave you specific instructions."

"I know, I know! But what is a dollop?"
Jade kind of snorted, "A dollop? You've never seen it on the commercials? It's basically like just a dot. Don't tell me you're that dumb, Linnea."

I sort of giggled, "I'm sorry, but okay, got it!" Jade let out an irritable sigh, but followed it with a little laugh, so I figured she was just teasing me. I hurried and got ready and headed to the small coffee shop that wasn't far from the job.

There was a line from the morning rush and after about ten minutes, I finally found myself at the cashier. I read Jade's order off my phone, pausing to make sure the guy at the register was actually noting almond milk and light caramel.

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