The Goods and Very Bads

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So I suppose that's what we did. I came over every night that week and she would cook. Jared was getting friendlier towards me even after only a few days. He would come show me whatever toy he was playing with or have me watch shows with him on the TV while Jade cooked.

Oh, not to mention, every morning, I brought her a perfectly made caramel macchiato. The David guy told me that Friday, "You came in everyday this week. I must be special or something. And its okay if you're a little shy, yes, I'll go on a date with you."

"Ooh, no. This isn't for me. No offense. It's actually for bae, ya know?"

He frowned for a split second before replacing it was a forced smile. I could tell it was fake by the way only his lips moved, but his eyes didn't crinkle or anything like a real one. "Oh, sorry. Well, that's awkward. I totally read that wrong. Well...have a good day."

And from that day on, I never really saw him. If he was at work, he would be in the back cleaning or working the drive-thru, but never at the register with his chipper smile. But that was fine. I didn't really care or want anyone else's attention because Jade was the only person on my mind.

That evening when I went over to Jade's, Jared and Rowan were not there. Jade had left work early, taken Jared to his grandparents and had invited me to spend the night. I was honestly scared shitless, but I didn't tell her.

On the way over, I called Sienna of course. By this time, she was basically another Robin – urging me to talk to Jade more, or telling me to convince her to give me real chance. I mean, we were just a little friendlier than the average boss and employee in my opinion. I bought her coffee every morning and she cooked me dinner each night. She would give me a hug every morning and evening when she first saw me and right before she left. And, well, she was just generally nicer to me than her other employees.

But there was nothing else – no real dates; no kisses; no...anything. Not that I was complaining. Jade enticed me while intimidating me at same time. She was so confident and ambitious. I already thought she had her life together with how she had her business together, but after watch her being a mom too, it was mind-blowing. She was so sweet yet stern with Jared. She was often sweet to me, but it was even more satisfying seeing her be sweet to him when so many young moms didn't give their kids the love and care the kid deserved. I suppose that just drew me in more.

When I knocked on the door, Jade answered almost immediately. I stepped in she gave me a one armed hug. It was then I noticed a blunt between her fingers. It was just weed, but, eh, I still wasn't a fan of smoking, or drugs of any sort for that matter. I guess she noticed my disapproving expression.

"I take it you don't smoke?" she scuffed.

I shook my head, "Nope."

"Have you ever tried it?"

"Nope. Don't plan on it either. You smoke with Jared here too?"

"No, Jade, what the hell? I'm not a stupid mom. I wouldn't smoke with my kid around, like do you think I'm dumb?" Her attitude escalated so quickly and I held up my hands in defense.

"My bad. I didn't mean straight blowing the smoke in his face!"

She just rolled her eyes and walked off. I followed her awkwardly to her bedroom, wondering where to leave my bag. But once she didn't say anything, I just dropped it by her bed.

After she put her blunt out, she came and sat on the bed and motioned for me to sit down. "Okay, I have some questions," she told me seriously.

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