Chapter 4

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Cairo - Prison

"Welcome! Step over the threshold. Welcome to Cairo Prison my humble home," said the Warden of the prison. An ugly, nasty, green teethes man.

While the Warden led the three siblings into the prison Evelyn was trying to compose herself and tried not to kill her brother and said, "You said to me that you found it on a dig in Thebes."

"Yeah well I was mistaken," said Jonathan to her sister.

"You lie to us!" said Sophie trying to push away a nasty man who was looking at her, trying to get her attention.

"I lie to everybody! What makes you so special?" said Jonathan

"We are your sisters!" said Evelyn.

"That just makes you more gullible," said Jonathan tired of her sister's mood.

"Jonathan you stole it from a drunk man at the local Bar!" said Sophie already wanting to end this conversation.

As the Three kept walking into the prison, Jonathan not wanting to see the man he had stolen from tried to make his sisters to turn around and go away, but Sophie had other plans and force him to face the cell.

"Now why exactly is this man in prison for?" ask Sophie to the Warden as they got close to the prison cells.

"Well, this I do not know. But when I heard you were coming I ask him that myself." said the Warden.

"And what did he say?" Ask Evie this time.

"He said that he was just looking for a good time," said the Warden as he walks away from the cell.

Then a man with long hair and beard was thrown into the bar cells, with an angry looked on his face as the prison people had hit him in the back.

"This is... this is the man you stole it from?" ask Evie now very scared as she look at the huge man in front of them.

As Jonathan was about to respond the man in the cell said,

"Who are you? And who are the broads?" ask the man not caring who he would offend.

While Evelyn astonish as to what the man had just called them, Sophie step to the side and said to him, "I have been called worse, if you are trying to offend us at least try something more original."

This make the man turn to Sophie and with a surprise on his face was about to say something but before he could, the Warden started screaming and said that he would be back soon.

"Hello, excuse me... we have found your puzzle box and we have come to ask you about it," said Evie hoping to know everything this man could know about it.

"No" said the man

"No?" ask Sophie and Evie at the same time very confused.

"You came to ask me about Hamunaptra," said the man the three siblings were looking around hoping no one had heard him.

"How do you know the box pertains to Hamunaptra?" ask Sophie very curios as to how this man could know such a thing.

"Because that's were it was when I found it, I was there." Explained the man.

Then Jonathan left his sisters side and got close to the bars and said, "But how do we know that is not a pigs shallow?"

"Do I know you?" said the man wondering where he had seen Jonathan before.

"Oh no, I just got one of those faces..." Jonathan tried to say but he did not finish his sentence as the man recognizes him and then the man's fist connected to Jonathan's face knocking him into the ground.

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