Chapter 14

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Sophie and Evelyn's Room

Evelyn was deep into/ her thoughts trying to find a way to beat the High Priest but was suddenly pulled out of her line of thoughts as Daniels hit the window board and said, "The hell with this... I am going downstairs get me a drink, you want some?"

"I will accompany you, I need some water and maybe Sophie would want some," said Evie got up and walked toward Daniel.

"I want a glass of bourbon... and shot of bourbon... and a bourbon chaser," said Henderson following Daniels and Evie to the door so they could hear what he wanted leaving his canopic jar unattended on his chair.

As he was coming back playfully he pulled out his gun and started to turned it between his fingers and pointing it to his canopic jar. A violent gush of wind startled Henderson and he pointed his gun towards the window.

Getting closer as he was hearing some chanting outside a cloud of sand appeared lifting him in the air making Henderson scream out of pure agony and less than a second he was dead and all that was left was his rotten body.

Now Henderson dead on the ground Imhotep appeared almost fully regenerated looking more human rather a a rotting corps.

Walking closer to the lock room Sophie was in, he turned himself into sand and passed to the other side of the door through a key hole.

Sophie who sleeping was not aware of this, but something happen in her dream. what she was dreaming became more vivid and real, she was in an Ancient Egyptian room wearing a golden crown all around her head. She notice that her hair was longer and the clothes she was using was not from her time. But what scared her was when she came face to face with the High Priest Imhotep.

"Maye," said Imhotep greeting her in her past life-self.

"What do you want?" ask Sophie in their Ancient language.

"You know what I want," he replied steeping closer to her.

Now with a courage she did not know she had, stud her ground letting him know that she was not scare of him.

"You will not succeed, I won't allowed it" she said and started to also walk towards him.

Now face to face Imhotep smiled and said, "You will pay for what you did to Anck-Su-Namun."

Sophie laughed right into Imhotep's face and said, "I don't regret it... you will never be with her again, not as long I am alive,"

Imhotep with a sudden rage went towards Sophie's throat and started to choke the life out of her.

"Don't worry you I'll kill you before I can bring her back and use your body so she can live once again," said Imhotep.

Sophie now awake from her dream saw the mummy was really choking her, she looked towards his hands and saw how they started to decay as he was touching her.


Outside of Sophie's Room

O'Connell and Jonathan hurried back to Sophie's room only to find another dead body and Daniels and Evelyn nowhere in site. Rick got close to the door and not having the keys to open it, saw through the key hole and he could feel how his heart shank to the bottom of his stomach as he watch how Imhotep has choking the life out of Sophie.

Hitting the door as hard as he could and tried to open it before it would be too late, he got back, grab Evie's cat and with a forceful kick to the door it finally opened.


Sophie was about to give up as darkness was about to consume her but the mummy let go of her as O'Connell came through the door and yell, "HEY! Get you ugly hand off of her neck!"

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