Chapter 10

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The next morning

Rick was the first one to wake up, as a sudden movement woke him up.

He looked down and on his chest Sophie was sleeping peacefully, he smiled as he remember the kiss they share last night and her confession.

He understood where she was coming from and he was no one to judge, he could feel the sudden rage he felt when Sophie told him what had happen to her and what that bastar did to her.

He looked at Sophie's face and he knew that from that moment all he wanted was to be there to protect her and take care of her.

Rick gave Sophie a kiss on the forehead and carefully move out of her embrace, so everyone could start their day.


Anubis Chamber

The few diggers that where left took out a huge wooden chest and carefully put it on the sand floor.

The Americans and the Egyptologist came close to the chest and as Burns was about the open it, the Egyptologist put his hand away and said, "There is curse upon this chest."

"Curse my ass," said Daniels.

"Yes who cares?" Henderson agreed with him.

"These hallowed grounds which was set forth in Ancient times, it is strong today as it was then," reply the Egyptologist to the Americans.

"Okay... we understand what does it say?" asks Henderson already wanting to get this over with and see what was inside the chest.

The Egyptologist starts reading the inscriptions and translates to the Americans,

"Death will come on swift wings to whom so ever opens this chest," said Egyptologist and then some weird voice came out of nowhere as a wind blows at them almost making the torch go out to light, making all the diggers run away from fear.

"We should not be here... this is not good," said Beni having a really bad felling about all of this, especially that he believe in all this stuff.

"It says; there is one, the undead who if brought back to life is bound to sacred law to consummate by this curse," translate again the Egyptologist.

"Well lets make sure we don't bring anyone from the dead then, huh?" reply Daniels.

"He will kill all who opens this chest, and assimilate their organs and fluids, and so doing he will regenerate and no longer be the undead, but the plague upon this Earth," finish translating the Egyptologist.

"Well we have come all this way for nothing," said Henderson.

"It's a curse... It's a curse... IT'S A CURSE, PREPARE IS A CURSE," said Beni scare out of his mind and trying to warn them and ran away before they could open the chest.

The four of them looked at Beni as if he was crazy and ignore him.

"Crazy superstitious bastard," said Burns while he and Henderson open the chest.


Imhotep's Chamber

"Oh I have dreamed about this since I was a little girl," said Evelyn really excited for being the first time she had discovered something this big.

"You dream about dead guys," ask O'Connell.

"Looked the sacred spells have been chiseled off, this man most of been condemn not only in this life but for the next," said Sophie noticing how the writings were scratched off.

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