Chapter 16

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Sophie could feel all of her strength coming back and watched as her hands and arms where turning once again to their normal and healthy color. She stood up from the ground and took the knife Anak-su-namun was going to use to kill her.

O'Connell backed away from Imhotep who was running after the carriage that took his soul.

"I thought that you said it was gonna kill him!" said Rick to Evie.

Rick took the sword and prepare to fight this guy once again but before Imhotep could reach them Sophie appeared out of nowhere and stab him right in the chest.

"Maye sends her regards" said Sophie in their ancient language and pulled the knife out of his chest.

"His mortal," said Evie as they all watch the blood pour out of Imhotep's chest.

Imhotep holding his chest looked back at Sophie as he fell into a pool full of black liquid and his body started to decay once again. But before he was almost gone he said with fury and agony something on his ancient language.

"Death is only the beginning," translated Sophie.


After all this time Beni was going back and forth from the treasure room to the exit where he was loading his camel full of gold.

He was tired of caring too much weight and wanting to take a break he put his bag full of gold on a stick of stone that was sticking out of the wall, but with the bags weigh the stick was pulled down setting another ancient trap off.


The temple started to collapse and the walls were starting to come down.

"Time to go!" said Rick and grab Sophie's hand and follow by the other two started to run towards the exit of the chamber.

Jonathan was following behind and as he was about to get on the stair he tripped and fell to the floor but what was worst he let go of the book of the living, losing it into the black water pool.

"YOU LOST THE BOOK!" said Evie mad and not believing what her brother had just done.

Sophie and Jonathan came back for Evie and together pushed their sister so they could get out of there.


Beni not wanting to let go of the bag full of gold keep on dragging it as the roof was almost about to crush him, with a loud grown he let go of the back and ran towards the other side before he could be crushed.


The three Carnahan and O'Connell were still running for their lives as they made it into the chamber of treasure, this made Jonathan stop on his tracks being carried away by his temptation of taking some of the gold

"Could we just..." started saying Jonathan but Sophie and Evie went back for their brother and both scream a loud no and pulled him to keep running.

O'Connell took Sophie's hand once again making her run faster on the stairs and waited to make sure everyone were making it to the other side, as he also passing to the other side of the door he heard Beni on the distance screaming his name.

"O'Connell!.... O'Connell save me!" screamed Beni.

"Common!" said O'connell trying to safe his friend.

O'Connell was on the floor, he stretch his arm so Beni could take it but it was too late. Before O'Connell's armed could be crushed Sophie pulled him away from there.

"Goodbye Beni," said O'Connell really feeling sympathy for the guy.

Sophie took Rick's hand and started to run together towards the exit of the temple.

The whole place was collapsing, Hamunaptra started to get suck inside the sand and the four of them where pushing their limits as they were running towards safety.

Barley making out of there alive they watch how the place was cover by a huge could of sand.

All of them were on complete silence as they watch the city disappear but soon that silence was cut off as Jonathan let out a scream of horror alerting everyone.

Before they could do something they turned and were surprise to see Ardeth very much alive.

This made Evie's heart beat faster on excitement as she saw the man that she had fallen for was alive.

"Oh thank you! thank you very much" said Jonathan as he was holding his heart.

"You earned the respect and gratitude of me and my people," said Ardeth to the four of them but his eyes were focus on just one person.

"Oh well it was nothing," replied Jonathan still out of breath from the scare.

"May Allah smile upon you always," said Ardeth again while he kissed his hand and gave them a salute.

"And yourself," replied Jonathan.

Sophie saw the looked Ardeth and Evie were giving each other, she knew Evie wanted to tell him something was too afraid to do it.

Ardeth turned on his Camel and went on his way. Sophie wanted to scream to her sister to go after him but she knew that Evie needed time.

"Well I guessed we go home empty handed, again!" said Jonathan as he looked back at the now lost City of Hamunaptra.

"I wouldn't say that," replied O'Connell as he turned to looked at the woman he fell in love with.

Sophie looked back at the man she had also fell in love with. Rick with a gentle gesture took Sophie's head with his rough hands and gave her a passionate kiss.

You could hear on the background Jonathan talking to a Camel telling it if he wanted a kiss also but wave his hand as he smell the horrible breath the Camel had.

Now as Jonathan and Evie each had their Camels, O'Connell and Sophie were together in one. The four of them began their journey back home without realizing they weren't going home emptied handed after all.


Authors note;

Thank you to everyone who took their time to read my story, this was an incredible journey for me to write and to finish it.

Since I was a little girl I was obsesses with the The Mummy and also the Scorpion King movies. I don't know but for me at that time were the best movies ever (and still are), I always liked this type of movies... I wanted to make it justice but also giving a little twist so my character could fit well into the story.

I just wanted to say to you guys that anything is possible when you set you mind into something positive and work really hard to make your dreams come true. I just hope you guys liked it very much and share it with your friends.

Also I will be doing a major editing on the story fixing grammar mistakes since English is not my first language, so guys be patient with me plss, also I may want to change some parts of the story I don't know. Thank you again for taking your time to read my story and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

PS: I may make a second book base on the second movie of the Mummy, I am not sure. I will keep you post it if I decide to make one.

Disclamer: all the rights go to the creators of The mummy the only thing that belongs to me is Sophie, her plot, and the few changes I added to the story so she could fit better inside of it.

Thanks again, be kind, respect each other, and do what makes you happy.


The Girl With The Pen.

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