Chapter 13

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Museum of Antiquities

"He does seem to like Sophie," pointing out Jonathan.

"Yeah what's that about?" said O'Connell a little jealous but at the same time concern.

"What does that guy want anyway?" said Henderson.

"There is only one person who can give us any answers," said Evie and the all walked towards the Curator's office.

"YOU?" said Evelyn when she saw the leader of the Medjai talking to the curator.

O'Connell pulled Sophie behind him and pointed his gun towards them.

"Misses Carnahan, gentlemen," greeted the Curator not bother by all the guns that were pointed at them.

"What is he doing here?" ask Sophie stepping out of O'Connell's back and moved towards her sister.

"Do you really want to know? Or do you prefer just... shot us?" reply the Curator.

O'Connell put his gun away and said to the man, "After what I just saw... I am willing to go on a little faith in here."


"Were are part of a Ancient secret society, for over 3000 years we've guarded the City of the Dead. We have sworn to manhood to do any and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep to be reborn into this world," the Curator started explaining and the leader of the Medjai, who will all know now as Ardeth, said to them, "And now because of you... we have fail,"

"And you think this justifies the killing of innocent people," said Sophie who was sitting next to Rick.

"To stop this creature? let me think... YES!" replied the Curator and Ardeth at the same time.

"Question... Why does he not like cats?" asked O'Connell.

"Well Cats are the guardians of the underworld... he would fear them until he is fully regenerated," explain the Curator.

"And then he would fear nothing," said Ardeth letting them know how bad all of this was.

Daniels moved out of his place and facing everybody said to them, "Yeah! and you know how himself gets fully generated..."

"...By everyone who open the that chest..." continue Henderson

"...And sucking them dry, that's how." finish saying Daniels with a shaky voice.

Jonathan was not paying attention to them as he was playing with a statues weapon, Evie went next to him and hit him in the head and told him to stop and paid attention.

"When I saw him alive at Hamunaptra he called me Maye and now in Mr. Burns room he said it again only this time he said that I shall pay for what I had done to them," said Sophie wanting know what was that all about.

"It was because of Maye he was cursed on the first place, apparently after 3000 years..." said the Curator

"He still wants revenge," Ardeth finish saying.

"Yeah but what does that got to do with me?" said Sophie not getting anything. The Curator gave Ardeth a nob and he went away to look for something.

Once he was back Ardeth open a box and took out a drawing. It was a portrayed of a woman. But what made Sophie gaps out of shock was that she looked exactly the same as the woman in the paper.

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