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The Day After

Perrie | 9:34am

Jade?? Can we just talk?

read at 9:35am

Jade | 9:36am

What is there to talk about? Just because we saw each other again after 4 months doesn't mean we have to talk.

read at 9:37am

Perrie | 9:40am

About Amelia maybe? She's my daughter, too, you know.

read at 9:41am

Jade | 9:43am

I think Jesy has pretty much told me everything I needed to know about Amelia.

Jade | 9:44am

You can pick her up whenever you like.

Jade | 9:46am

But please stop texting me when it's not about Amelia. I'm trying to continue rehearsing for my tour and you're not making it any easier by texting me non-stop.

read at 9:48am

Perrie | 9:54am


Perrie sighed as she stared at her and Jades chat again. A part of her honestly didn't know why she was texting Jade in the first place anyway, since Jade seemed to not be interested at all. What she didn't know was that Jade just couldn't handle having Perrie in her life if it meant that she'd have to watch the love of her life with someone else. 

Perrie was getting curious though as Jade mentioned her tour. Nothing was announced yet to the public. All they knew was that Jade was working on something. Everytime Perrie found something out about Jades career from other people, like her achievements, she got even sadder. It always confirmed that she wasn't a part of Jades life anymore, since she used to be the one Jade would always come to first with good news. 

Meanwhile, Jade was sitting in one of the chairs in the dining room of Zayns house, looking at her and Perries chat, wondering why she hadn't blocked the blonde beauty yet. After all they weren't together anymore, Perrie texting her wasn't doing her any good and when it came to Amelia, Jesy or Leigh would tell her about what Perrie wanted. 

Deep in her heart Jade knew why she hadn't blocked Perrie yet. It was because Jade indeed still loved her, but Jade thought that she'd never get over her if she'd make excuses for anything as long as Perrie would stay in her life.

Jerrie // A Moment Apart (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now