5 | Miss Movin' On

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1st Day Of Tour: Los Angeles

"Jade, no!", Leigh suddenly screamed. Jade flinches for a second. She wasn't expecting that kind of reaction from her best friend. Though, when she overthought what she just told her, it was kind of obvious. 

"Shh!", Jade hissed. They were backstage right now. Camila was on stage, doing her thing, while Jade took that as the perfect opportunity to talk to Leigh. "It's just a crush, alright? Stop freaking out!"

"Yeah, a crush on Miss Cabello.", Leigh whispered. "How did that happen anyway?"

"We.. Nothing happened, alright? Lauren broke up with her and since then I've spent the last three days with her 24/7 because she needed a friend. I don't know what happened, I honestly don't know.", Jade admitted. "And can you just support me? It's new for me, too. Also, I still have Perrie in my head. She's all I can think about, but Camila and I.. I can feel that there's something."

"Jade..", Leigh sighed. "I love you, you're my best friend, but I feel like you're just trying to get over Perrie without actually getting over Perrie."

"Look, I know this may sound strange.. But what if all of this is fate? The tour, her and I getting even closer, her and Lauren breaking up, me and Perrie breaking up.. These things all sound like signs to me.", Jade explained. She was confused herself. She had no clue what that was between her and Camila.

They've always been close and now that her and Lauren were broken up, Jade suddenly could see her as more. That didn't mean that she did, but she did notice some things about Camila that she hadn't before and it was scaring her.

"I don't know, Jade.. You and Perrie have been broken up for what.. five months? I personally think it's too soon.", Leigh admitted.

"Well, if that's the case then what did Perrie do? As soon as we broke up she got with Nate! I did a lot of thinking, alright? I'm pretty confused and I just wanna test some things out.", Jade explained.

Leigh sighed. "Alright, but Jade?"


"What if Perrie finds out about this? You just started to get along again-"

"Let me interrupt you right there.", Jade said. "We didn't start to get along. She came by to spend some time with Amelia, that's it. And so what if Perrie finds out? It's not like it'll bother her anymore.", Jade added, before taking a quick look at Camila, who was now talking to the fans.

Leigh knew this wasn't going to end good. This was going to turn into a real mess. Leigh knew Perrie still loved Jade, Jesy told her so. Though, Leigh didn't know about the PR-Stunt. If she knew, she'd have already told Jade. Leigh thought Zayn and her bringing Camila into this a while ago wouldn't turn this whole thing into a mess, but it seems like that is exactly what it's going to be.

Leigh also hoped that Camila didn't feel the same, at least not anymore. She knew that Camila had a little crush on Jade about a year ago and as soon as she heard the reason why Lauren and Camila broke-up she started to get afraid. Not only because Perrie was going to explode like a bomb, but also because everyone knew Jade and Perrie were meant to be and she didn't want more drama and more hurt feelings. 

"Okay, so this next song is actually a Fifth Harmony song", Camila said and the crowd immediately cheered, which made her giggle. "Well, and it really speaks to me at the moment. It represents what I'm feeling or let's say how I told myself to feel. Because you know, you only live once and you never know if your true love could be just around the corner. This is Miss Movin' On!" The crowd started to get crazy.

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