Not an Uptade

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I'm sorry for not uptading, but the last few weeks have been kind of stressful with my final exams & stuff, but I'm working on the next (and last) chapter! It'll be a long one, since I was at first thinking about splitting it in two seperate ones. Then there will be Book 6 (the last and final book). 

i won't be uptading until maybe around the 15th June, since I'll be in Paris for a week with my french course and then I will be non-stop working on our let's say 'Prom'. We don't exactly call it like that here, but that's the best way I can describe it. (That's what happens when you volunteer to organize it uhhh)

Anyway, I hope you can bare with me for a few more weeks :) 

Jerrie // A Moment Apart (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now