4 | Please

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  [,,I kinda always knew I was gonna be your next ex. I kind always felt like the one you hadn't left yet. So come and finish what you started. Coz I'm half broken hearted" ]

2 Weeks Later

Jade and Camilas tour was going to kick off in three days and the brunette was so excited. That would be her first big tour again after she hid herself from the spotlight for a few years. Of course, she was also nervous, but having Camila by her side made it all a little better. 

Perrie hadn't messaged the brunette ever since Jade told her to stop and Jade was honestly glad. She was slowly but surely getting her old life back and she didn't want Perrie to ruin that. 

"You thinking about her again?", Zayn asked as he entered the living room and caught Jade staring at Perries newest Instagram photo with Nate. Yes, she didn't want Perrie to ruin her way back into her old life, but she still missed her.

"Not just thinking.", Jade said and showed Zayn the picture. Jades heart broke at the sight of her. Seeing her still wife with someone else, seeing her smile with someone else and that someone else being the reason why you're not together anymore hurt Jade. But maybe that was a sign for her to move on, too. 

"I'm sorry, Jadey.", Zayn said gently, but gained a tsernly stare from Jade. He knew exactly what it was. "Sorry.", he mumbled. Only Perrie called her Jadey, just Perrie. No one else. 

"It's okay.. Gosh, why am I like this?", Jade asked, more herself than Zayn. "I should be the one partying and enjoying my life. After all I'm single, right? Well, kind of. I'm still married, but.."

"Jade, breathe.", Zayn said and chuckled. "You're not forced to do anything. Everyone has their own perspective of a single life. Wanna know what I did after my break-up with Perrie?", he asked then.

Jade shook her head slightly. "I smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot and hooked up with many, many people, which I shouldn't have. Be glad if your single life only includes music and Camila."

"Camila?", Jade asked confusingly. Why was he bringing her up now? 

"She's your best friend, isn't she?", he asked casually.

"Yeah, but I.. Why did you only mention her? I have a lot close friends, Z." Jade could feel her heart beat a little faster. What was happening? She didn't like Camila like that, she knew that for a fact. Maybe it was only because she didn't want anyone thinking that because of Perrie.

He smirked slightly. "I only mentioned her, you keep talking about her, Jeed.", he teased and left the living room, leaving a dumbfounded Jade. 

She shook her head. "Whatever.", she mumbled to herself and continued looking at Perries new photo with Nate, scrolling through the comments and all that stuff. The caption hurt her the most, though. "Date night with my man ♥"

Jade had to roll her eyes. There was a part of her who didn't want to believe that they were so happy with each other, but she kind of didn't have a choice. Zayn may have said she wasn't forced to enjoy her single life, but Jade felt like that was exactly what she had to do. 

"So the photo is up?", Nate asked Perries management. As soon as they nodded he went into his room. Perrie only rolled her eyes.

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