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I drove back to the house, going at least 10 over the speed limit. It would have been faster to run, but I didn't want to leave my truck, I love this thing too much to leave it. As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I jumped out of my truck and tried to run up to the house, but someone stopped me.

"You better be shutting off your truck, young lady. That's how the battery dies."  I turned to see Emmett leaning against my truck.

"You're right there. Why don't you do it."

"Because I shouldn't have to take care of your stuff." I stomped my way back to my truck just to do something he could have himself. This boy imma kill him one of these days. I shut the door to the truck after shutting the engine off. I started to get nervous about what was in the house. As I  walked up to the house, I could hear slow music playing on the speakers. Through the windows, I see twinkle lights hanging up all over the house. Emmett walks with me up the deck into the house. He pulls open the door and bows as if he was the greeter of the house. What an idiot! There was no surprise as I walked into the house, just a bunch of my family chilling in the house with smiles on their faces.  The wolf pack was in the corner, and with them was Renssmee. Rose pulls me into her arms.

"Happy birthday, banana." She kisses me on the cheek and then walks over to Emmett. Happy birthday came from all around the room. I smiled. Knowing Alice had planned this, I thought it would have been more extravagant. As it seems, though, she has taken into mind my own mindset on how  I don't like big parties. Jasper walked up to me with a poorly wrapped gift. It looked like a stuffed animal, but I can't tell what animal. 

"I think this ups me in our gift-giving war." He sends me a smirk.

"We will see about that." I turned my head at him. I started to unwrap the gift. It was a giant otter. Otters are by far my favorite animal in the world. "As much as I love this, there is no way this can out gifted the last gift to you." I rolled my eyes.

"How does it not!?"

"I GAVE YOU A $3,000 RING. THIS IS A $20 STUFFED ANIMAL FROM TARGET. " I throw it at him messing around. I rolled my eye and let the rest of the party go on. All it really was was me getting a gift and the pack having a contest to see who could eat the most ice cream cake before someone got a brain freeze (Quil won FYI). The night went smoothly. Only a little spat between me and Jake, but that was normal. Nothing could ever stop those. Besides my new Otter, I got some new vinyl records from Rose and Emmett, a couple of books on Greek myth from Esme and Carlisle, I got a new book shelve for my room from Edward and Bella since apparently Bella somehow broke my last one getting into a fight with Emmett when she was still a newborn. I blame Emmett for that 110% and 0% on Bella, I know how annoying he can get. Surprisingly, even after our little fight, Demtri still got me a gift, a yellow comforter for my bed on it. And the pack got me a charm bracelet.

"The charm on it was picked out by Nessie.'' I smiled at her. The charm was a wooden dream catcher. "Charms can be added on whenever you are...umm.. let's say ready or the next thing." Jake rubbed the back of his neck.

"What do you mean the next thing?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"That's a conversation for another day." I huffed at the response, but I didn't feel like pushing the matter anymore. Everyone slowly started heady off to do their own thing. Bella and Edward took Nessie back to their place to let her sleep. The pack went home, all except Jake, of course, and god knows where the rest went. I headed upstairs to get some rest.


I woke up in the middle of the for an unknown reason. I sighed. What is actually wrong with me... never mind that's a loaded question. I got up to go get a glass of water. I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I could spell the dog scent coming from the room.  As I walked in, I saw it was Seth. We hadn't talked much since our date. A few words here and there. He was sitting on a stool by the marble island in the middle of the kitchen. The first thing I noticed was that he didn't have a shirt on...great just what I needed. He looked up and saw me. He sent me a smile. I sent him a half smile. I walked over to the cabinet to grab a glass. After filling it with water, I took a seat crossed from him. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Seth cleared his throat. 

"How have you been?"

"I've been alright." I looked around the room. 

"Happy birthday by the why." He smiled at me. 

"Thanks. I didn't see you at the party the lovely Alice had for me." I rolled my eyes and giggled. 

"Yeah, I had to do a shift for tonight. Sorry for not making it." He ran his hand through his black hair. 

"No, you're all good. You have a job to do. Did you just get done?" I asked him.

"No, I got done a few hours ago. I just couldn't sleep. Why are you up at this time of night?" Seth got up to, but he's dishes in the sink.

"I was asleep for a little bit, woke up, and couldn't go back to sleep." I shrugged my shoulders. he just nodded his head. "Do you want to go watch a movie?" I asked. Seth raised his eyebrow in surprise, and honestly, I was just as surprised as he was. I have no clue what came over me.

"Sure, why not." We walked into the leaving room. I walked over to the movie case and pulled out a couple of movies. 

"Iron man or Narnia?" I turned and looked at him.

"Iron man." He was sitting on the couch. At some point when I wasn't paying attention, he had put on a shirt, Thank god. I put in the movie and then sat next to him. I grabbed the blanket that went through over the back of the couch and threw it over our laps.

"Are you a Marvel girl?" Seth asked me.

"Absolutely." I grinned at him.

"Team Iron Man or Caption America?" He pointed at me.

"Easy, Natasha Romanoff." I pointed back at him.

"That is a fair and unfair answer at the same time." He lightly shoved my shoulder. About half an hour into the movie, I slowly started to drift off into a sleepy. I felt Seth kiss the top of my head, but I was already too tired to say anything about it.

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