24. The Retaliation

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Hawt banner by Annie Ha. Please don't forget to email me your wattpad usernames too when you send me banners! Enjoy :)

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" I asked Nathan innocently.

"Like you think my plan is ridiculous and I'm stupid." Nathan told me flatly.

"Well I can't force my expressions to lie." I retorted with an innocent smile.

Nathan let out a frustrated sigh. "Unless you have a better idea, we're sticking with this plan."

I let out a frustrated sigh too at this. If only I actually did have a better idea. This plan was straight up ridiculous. It was nuts. But unfortunately, it was all we had.

"Fine. But what about the cops?" I asked Nathan with a raised brow.

"What cops?" Nathan asked dumbly.

I rolled my eyes. Man he was getting old to forget stuff like this. "You said you called the cops, didn't you? The original plan was to get the hell out of here just before the cops came to bust out Ryland." I explained.

"Oh, yeah. About that..." Nathan trailed off sheepishly. "I was kind of planning on calling them after we had escaped."

"But you even said 'hurry up the cops will be here any minute!'" I mimicked his deep voice.

"Since when did I sound like a drunk whale?" Nathan shot me an amused grin.

Whales could get drunk?

"And yeah, I only said that to get everyone to hurry up." He added.

"So now there's no way of contacting the police." I stated with a defeated sigh.

"Considering this place has no service, no there's not. But don't worry, lucky for you, we have my great plan." Nathan grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes. "So now we wait?" I asked him.

"Now we wait." Nathan confirmed, making himself comfortable on the bed. I watched as he propped the pillow against the wall behind the bed, leaned back and put his hands under his head, sprawling his legs out lazily.

And here I was, sitting at the edge of the bed with the little space Nathan had left me, uncomfortable and slightly cold. Considering I was still wearing that flight attendant's outfit with the short black pencil skirt and thin white button up, and the fact that we were locked up in a chilly basement, I wouldn't be surprised if I caught a cold.

I glared at my boyfriend but he didn't seem to notice as he was too busy looking off into the distance, deep in thought.

Rubbing my arms with my hands trying to keep warm, I went over the brilliant plan Nathan had come up with in my head.

Since sooner or later, someone would come in to get us, Nathan had decided that I hide behind the door, out of sight. This would cause the guards to walk in and freak out, which is when I'd surprise attack them from the side with a small metal table that had been sitting in one corner. Nuts I tell you. Then, after Nathan and I had knocked out all the guards, we'd sneak out of this place and try to leave somehow. We weren't so confident about this plan, but we had to at least try.

"Hey are you cold?" Nathan's voice broke my thoughts, causing me to look at his him sitting more up now and looking at me with concern.

Now he notices.

"A bit." I replied.

"Come here you sexy air hostess." Nathan grinned lazily, opening his arms up.

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