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As usual, I was lurking through all the fan pages to find something about Harry. This man I tell you, never gets tired of being mysterious. He's always busy with his phone yet so inactive in social media. It's been almost a month without a single pap picture or any news; as if he's been hybernating again. There have been rumors about the making of his second album, I really hope he's been working on it. I can't wait for him to bless us with his devine music again. As I was scrolling through images I found an old image. It was an image of a fan hugging Harry on the street, I just stopped for a moment and thought how lucky are those who could meet him. And then here's me, far far away from him. But I never lost hope, I have been saving money to meet him for the last five years. Oh! My savings! I haven't checked them in a while, I quickly checked them. Wow, I have saved a lot of money but it's only enough for the flight tickets but not enough for the tickets for his show. I sighed wondering if I will ever meet him in person.
As I lay back on my bed thinking about it, an idea suddenly came to me, though I knew that I needed a lot of luck for this plan to work out and of course I wasn't every fortunate when it comes to "luck". Yet that didn't stop me from trying. I logged into my Instagram and texted almost all the band mates Harry was working with. The message read:
"Hey hi! Umm, I really don't know how to break this to you. Well, I am a very big fan of Harry. Meeting him has been my dream ever since I saw him. He really means a lot to me. I might sound crazy but he is the reason I am alive today. I just want to meet him once and let him know how much I love him and thank him for being there. I know, it's not just me but a million others wishing the same thing. It's totally fine if you can't help but I still thought of trying. I just need a small help, I wish to get a reply soon. Thank you for your time."
I knew it wasn't a good enough but hey, I am not a writer. In fact I was never good at these kinda stuff so I just let it be.
I forwarded it to almost 20 people including his friends, photography and basically anyone he had good terms with. I knew no one would even bother to check , I mean eho am I kidding. They probably receive tond of messages like this from people around the globe. But as I said, it was still worth a shot.

*Next day*
I woke up late today and knew that I was going to be late to my college. As I ran downstairs for a cab I saw Diksha waiting for me. She has always been there for me whenever I was in trouble for the last 4 years, I don't know how she does it but I can't be more thankful for it.
"We're late. Hurry up, will you?" She shouted.
"Coming! By the way thanks for the ride" I said running towards her.
"Ah, don't bother it" she said with a warm smile.
We reached our college and ran to our classrooms. The professor entered the class after a few mins. I sighed in relief knowing that we weren't late. Soon Mr. Mathoor started lecturing us about psychology and it's importance in our daily life. I couldn't understand a word, it's not like that very often. In fact, psychology is one of my favorite subjects but today it was almost impossible got me to concentrate. Probably I was still a bit dizzy. I knew I won't be able to concentrate in the class but that doesn't mean I could sleep. Sure, I was one of Mr. Mathoor'd favourite student but that doesn't allow me to sleep in the class. So I tried thinking about something interesting in order to keep my eyes open. That's when I remembered about the message I sent yesterday. I wondered about the possibilities that could occur. After a long while of thinking, I decided not yo keep expectations because that's something near to impossible. I didn't realize I what the time was until I heard the bell ring. I let out another sigh of relief. I stood up to grab a coffee since we had some time before the next class started but Diksha had other plans. She dragged me at a corner and looked at me with suspicion.
"What?" I asked.
"What is going on? You definitely weren't listening to a thing Mr. Mathoor said. You were in your own world wondering about god knows what." She said
"Um-" I started but got interrupted
"Don't you dare lie to me. There is a reason I am your best friend, I know you better than you know yourself. So keep all your excuses to yourself and tell me the truth", she commanded.
I couldn't help but laugh at this, she really knew me well. Defited, I told her everything I did last night.
"What am I going to do with this poor fangirl. Help her, oh Lord", she mocked at me.
"Oh shut up and pray for the positive. Because if this doesn't work, you'll be in great danger", I said to her in an evil tone with a smirk.
"Jesus! I am scared! Somebody help me, someone help!" She moved again.
"Ughh, I hate you!" I said annoyingly and ran out
"Aww, I love you too" I heard her shouting back.
I didn't reply, I just looked back and mouthed a "yeah right". I walked myself towards the cafeteria for a cup of coffee.
Even the coffee couldn't help. I was very exhausted and sleepy. Last week was very hectic, we had all the delines for our assignments. So I barely managerd to sleep. So I decided to go back and sleep gr the rat of the day since I had a day off from the cafe(I worked at a cafe as a part time job). I quickly texted Diksha that I was leaving and won't be available the whole day and asked her to say everyone that I had some emergency.
I took a cab back. As soon as I reached my apartment, I crashed on the bed. I didn't even bother to change to fresh up. As before I knew, I fell in a deep sleep.


Hey guys! I am very nervous about this story. I really hope you people like it, I have been working hard on it. Anyway, forgive me for any typos and thank you for reading :)

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