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Recap: Harry and Akriti spent a whole day together. They also slept together and Akriti confessed her feelings which made Harry realise that all of this was a mistake. Later, next morning Harry told her how he wasn't looking for anything, Akriti understands but cant help breaking down.
Now continuation after that.

Akriti wakes up with a swollen face from crying so much when she hears her phone ring. It was Seb. She didn't feel like talking or doing anything so she lets it ring but after the call ends, there is a notification for a text. The text was from seb asking her if she was still up for hanging out today since he had something in mind. Akriti doesn't want to turn him down but also can't bring herself to even stand up. So she tells him that she's really tired and kinda sick. Even though it wasn't a complete lie, Akriti still feels horrible so she asks him if he would like you hang out just at Hel's place and he agrees.

After about and hour or so, Seb comes by. He noticed how swollen and red her face is but he doesn't comment on it. Akriti tries her best to not look shattered but fails anyway. Seb brought waffles and ice cream too try and cheer her up. Akriti actually felt a little better having Seb around, he cared enough for her to put in some effort to make her feel better even though he didnt know what actually happened and she really appreciated that. As for seb, he hated looked at her like this. He knew something happened rather than she being sick but he didn't want to push it.

Since it pained Seb to look at her in this state, he asked her if she would come with him to somewhere. He called it his "happy place"(just when you thought it cant get any more cliché xD) She didn't feel like actually putting an effort on hoe she looked and Seb was okay with that. He found her beautiful no matter what.

Finally Seb drived them to no where particular but just before reaching the Destination he asked her to close her eyes, she did. Then Seb carefully guided them to somewhere, which felt like grass and asked her to stay there, eyes closed until he came back. She obliged. After about two minutes or so she felt something lick her feet causing her to jump back in surprise, opening her eyes to look at it. It was a small dog. And then came another, and another and another. Puppies and dogs soon gathered all around her, different sizes and breeds. Akriti's face lit up, forgetting everything and crouching down to pet as many dogs as she could. All the dogs waived their tail, flighting for her attention. Seb came into the view, smiling at the scene.

Seb told her that this was his dog shelter, a home for every dog who's alone. He said hoe he often came here whenever he felt alone or sad. "Nothing better than dogs right?" He said with a charming smile.

Akriti was in awe of Seb. He had so much more to him, he was genuinely an amazing person and she couldn't thank him enough for bringing her here, sharing his happiness with her. They played with the dogs for as long as they could remember. They fed them, bathed them. It was truly heaven.

But as the sun started setting, it was time to go. So they put all the dogs back inside and left. Seb asked her to join him for dinner but she denied. She told him how she needs to pack as she was leaving the next day. Seb was disappointed, not because she refused to have dinner with him but because she was leaving. He asked her to stay a little longer but she denied, saying she had to go back. How could she stay when this place reminded her of nothing but of Harry? Harry needed the distance, she needed the distance.

So Seb asks her if he could at least drop her to the airport, she agreed. She went back to Hel's apartment and packed her things. Hel dropped by her room, asking her if she would want to have dinner with her tonight. Suddenly Akriti felt guilty of not spending enough time with her, so she agreed. They had a good girl's night, ate Chinese and caught up on all the things. Of course, Akriti left out the information about that night. But Hel could see the hurt in her eyes but didnt push it further.

THE FANGIRL.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora