Chapter Nine

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He kept driving for a while, making small talk with me here and there. It wasn't dark yet but the sun was about to set. The weather was just perfect, a cool breeze blowing but not cold enough to wear a jacket. We started driving up this zig-zag road on a higher plan.
Finally the car came to a stop. He parked the car beside the road, I couldn't see anything else here so I was kinda confused.
"Come on, out now" he said holding the door for me.
"Why are we here?"
"You'll see" he said as he closed my eyes with his hands. "Just keep walking and keep your ears open for instructions" he said.
I think we walked over to the other side of the car, I wasn't sure as my eyes were closed.
"Can I open them now?" I asked impatiently.
"Not yet but soon. Just wait for a few minutes, we are here on time" I heard him say behind me.
"Now" he said after a few moments.
I opened my eyes to what I can only describe as beauty. You could see almost all of LA, the small buildings, the smaller cafes, people running around, roads busy with cars, everything. The sun was setting as we stand there, colouring the sky pinkish yellow. It was a scene i could never forget. It was that beautiful.
"So, what do you think?"
"It's beautiful" I said with a smile as I kept starring at the beautiful sky.
"I know, I love this place and it's best at this time and at nights. After this amazing sunset view, you can see how this beautiful sky falls dark and the moon with the bright stars take over the night sky. The sky Aline brings you peace." He said as he looked up with the look of content on his face.
I faced him as he was saying all this, even though the sky infront of me looks heavenly, I still think it looks pale in front of Harry. The orange light hitting his face perfectly, sharpening this beautiful features made him look like a Greek god.
"What you looking at?" He said raising a brow and and smirk forming.
"Nothing" I said as i looked away furiously blushing.


We were sitting of the deck of the car, witnessing the beautiful sky turning black. It really looked magically, it was beautiful.
"Tell me something about you" Harry said out of the blue. We were almost in a silence until then.
"There's nothing to tell. I am just a Normal girl" I simply said
"No you are not. Your eyes hold a lot of maturity for your age. Tell me about your family back home"
I didn't want to pull the sympathy card, I hate it when people do it. That's why I usually lie or dont talk about my family. But I couldn't lie to him.
"Well, I have a very small family. Only me and my dad. I stayed with him until I moved out to study"
"And your mom?"
"She's there but just not with us. She lives somewhere in Malaysia I guess. I don't know much since we don't talk much. She likes picking her personal life private because she doesn't want my father to interfere. If you haven't caught on it yet, they are separated. A very bad and toxic separation actually. They never legally separated though and that kinda made the whole matter worse since they did whatever they want with no legal action."
"Wow, that's a lot. I hope I am not interfereing but why didn't you hi with you mom? I mean usually the kids go with the mother."
" I did at first but then my dad had an operation and he got all vulnerable and I felt bad for cutting him off. So I decided to stay with him for a year and then decide whom to choose. But after that one year with dad, he never asked or even let me being the topic up. Soon my mother left the state and eventually India to move somewhere else."
"So you would have chosen your mother if you had a chance? Then why didn't you go to her once you grew older?"
"Yeah I would have chosen mom but to be honest it really doesn't make much difference. I mean both my parents were just caught up with their lives and ruining the others. They soet od forgot they had a child too. I was left alone when I was with my mom and even when my Dad. At first I liked it since I thought I got freedom but later I realised it wasn't freedom, it was just their neglect towards me. I barely talked with either of them. We started becoming strangers. So either way, it didn't matter who I stayed with, I am as much as a stranger to my mom as I am with my dad."
"I am so sorry. I am pretty sure you already know about my parents. Even though they separated too, I still had a better childhood. It still hurt me, so I can only imagine how bad it was for you. I am truly sorry, I wish things would have been different."
"Yeah, I wish that too but pkease don't apologise. I mean you didn't do anything, I understand you feel sorry for me but dont. It happens, ita no one's fault. I just wishes they were a little considerate of me and what was going on with my life. I understand they were having a difficult time too but I was seriously too small to take care of myself alone. But hey, I managed it anyway and I survived. In the end, it's me sitting with the Barry styles discussing about my life and not the kids that were mean to me about this" I said with a wink
"You are so strong, so powerful. You are something else and I respect that a hundred percent." He said with a proud smile.
"Thank you so much. This means alot to me."
He just simply smiled at me and I returned him one. And wr feel back to silence, watching the night sky sparkle with beautiful stars.
"Would you look at the time" harry whisper shouted after a while.
"Opps, looks like we lost track of time."
"Yup, I better drop you back at Hel's place or else she'll have me dead" he said with a chuckle.
"She sure will" I said as I chuckled too.

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