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Harry POV

Harry felt defeated. He didn't know what to do, all he knew is that he wanted the best for Akriti and so he decided that he would leave it up to her. He was done assuming and deciding what was best for her. And that made things even more worse.

He was sure that he loved her now, so if she askes him to stay he would, even if he thinks he doesn't deserve her. And if she asks him to leave for the best, hw would. It would hurt yes, but this would be the least he could do.

It had been almost five hours since her accident and he was still not allowed to see her. That didn't stop him from waiting though, he was at the hospital the whole time. Waiting for the doctor to let him in.

He finally saw the doctor approach him, he got up on his feet immediately, greeting the doctor. The doctor told him and Akriti still wasn't awake but he could could go in now. But he warned him not to disturb or wake her up, she still was weak. Harry nodded, turning towards her room. He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly.

There she laid, eyes closed, a big bandage over her forehead. Her face, neck and shoulder blade was full of small cuts. His heart clenched at the sight, anger flooding in. It was all his fault. All because of him. How could she ever want him after everything he put her through, how could she still love him?

He walked to her side, holding her right hand between his, tears blurring his sight.

"I am sorry Akriti. I am so sorry. I cant believe I put you through much and you still didn't blame me once. How could you? Do you not see what a monster I am? Here I was complaining about how much ut hurt to not have you in my arms when I was the reason you were gone and there were you, fighting against the whole world, all by yourself. You are the strongest person I know Akriti, you are strongest of them all. I am so proud to call you mine but you aren't. Not yet, not until you actually want me again." He breathed it all out in one go, years falling rapidly from his eyes.

"But no matter what you decision is, I am here. I will always be here. I made a mistake to leave you once, I am not doing it again. Even if you don't want me in your life, I will be there as a friend, as a support, as anything you want me to. I will always be behind you, for I want to be the one to catch you when you fall."

"I love you Akriti, I have loved you since the day you opened the door." He chocked out, resting his head on their intertwined hands. Sobbing a little more before he drifted off to sleep.


Akriti's POV

She wakes up, opening her eyes, trying to adjust to the bright room. She isnt even shocked to see an unfamiliar surrounding, she was so used to waking up at hospital beds past few weeks. So it's really not a surprise anymore but she doesn't remember how or why she ended up here.

She tried lifting her hands to inspect her face but she couldn't move her right hand. She looked down to see a curly head resting on her hands, which was in turn intertwined with his. She smiles down at him, forgetting everything. She brought her free hand to gentle stroke his soft curls.

No matter what he did, she knew she could never hate him. She would forever have a soft place for him. He had been with her for so many years now, even if he didn't know about it, she still knew how important he is ans hoe many tines he saved her.

She was forever his fangirl.

Harry moved a bit, turning his head. Now he was face directly at her, eyes still closed. The bags under his eyes were prominent, she hadn't noticed them before. It was obvious he was tired and problem sleeping because he looked exhausted. She frowned at that, she didn't like seeing him in pain. She brought her hands down to his forhead, erasing the crease forming.

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