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The summary will continue after the last real chapter, that is chapter 10.

Also, just a reminder that I was very young when I wrote it so it's as cliché as it can get. So don't come at me, cause you have been warned!

Also on top, Akriti :)

Alright, let's get into it.

Start summary:

So, Seb drove them near like a forest area then they just went on with the shoot. It was just them in the middle of no where shooting and having fun. Seb was a real gentleman and was very encouraging (because why not). So after 2 hours of shooting, they were finally done. Seb got the pictures he wanted.

Then seb drove them back into the city, and decided to grab lunch. They just had pizza for lunch and later ice cream while walking on the beach. It was a good day, they hadn't known each other too well before but with the last 4 hours or so, they really got close.

Seb dropped Akriti at Hel's place at around 3:30pm and asked her if she was free that night since he wanted to thank her properly. Akriti hadn't received any message from Harry so she said yes.

Skip to night

Akriti dressed up in a red dress, looking all fine and good. Seb came to picked her up, looking very handsome in a black suit himself. He took her to a beautiful restaurant with fairy lights covering the starless sky. The dinner was tasty and they had a great time. They talked about all sorts of stuff, they even talked about how both of them are very fond of Harry.

After the dinner, Seb took her back to Akriti's place and said their goodbyes. But as he saw her walk back to Hel's house, she turned back and smiled at him, waving for the last time. That caught Seb off guard and he suddenly realised that he might have a small crush on Akriti but he doesn't ponder on it much, thinking it's no big deal.

Now back to Akriti, she hears her phone buzz when she was in the shower. After coming out, she checks her phone. It was a text from harry, he informs her that he's finally free and has something planned for them for thr next day. They chat for a bit, talking about their day and then say their goodbyes. Before Akriti could sleep though, she hears her phone buzz again. It's Sebastian. He asks her if she was free tomorrow morning, she informs him that she isn't. She didn't want to sound rude so she adds that they can hangout the day after. Seb agrees and they say their good bye.

*Next morning*

Akriti wakes up and gets ready to meet harry again. Harry and she get a late breakfast and then head to the surprise harry was talking about. He takes her to his recording studio, Akriti looks around in awe. As she was looking around she hears harry singing inside the actual recording room. For the next hours, harry kept singing and Akriti kept listening, her eyes never leaving his face. If she wasn't in love already, she definitely was now. Harry also sings a song called "falling" which Akriti has never heard before. Harry tells her that it is a new song from his next album. Akriti is over the moon (i mean of course she is lol)

Anyway, so they didnt realize that the sun went down. They finally leave the studio and harry drives back to his house. On the way he stops to get some grocery.

Later at his place, they make dinner together and then eat and also do the dishes together (do your dishes kids xD). Anyway, after that they were just chilling on the couch when Akriti opens up to harry about her past relationship. How she loved his guy alot but then he tried to force her into sleeping when she wasn't ready so they broke up. Harry consoles her and opens up about all his relationships too, like how they never worked out and everything.

After a while of pouring their hearts out, Harry excuses himself to go to the restroom. When he returns, he finds Akriti near the big glass window looking down. He asks her what she was looking at, she replies that she is looking at hus swimming pool. She tells him hoe she loves to swim. Harry playfully tells her that he can bit her at swimming, she surprisingly challenges back. So harry runs downstairs to the pool, he quickly throws his T-shirt aside and pulls his jeans down and jumps into the pool. When he opens his eyes he sees Akriti pulling the dress off, leaving her in just her undergarments for hardly 5 seconds before she jumps into the pool. He's amazed by her body but then realizes that she's coming for him so he swims towards the further end.

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