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It read -
It's great to know that you love him that much, I would love to help. Let me know what kind of help do you need :)"
I admit I jumped out of my bed and shouted like a 3 year old. I still couldn't believe I got a reply back, oh my god bless her soul! It took me a while to clam down, I managed to write a reply back -
"Oh my god! I almost lost hope. I still can't believe you replied, this really means a lot. I can't thank you enough for this.
The help, yes. Umm, actually as I said I have always dreamt of meeting Harry and that's why I started saving money when I was very young. By now, I saved enough for the flight tickets. You see, I live in India. And I know that he's done with his tour for this year but I wanted to know if he was having any kind of small show. I can manage some extra money for a small shoe where I can personally meet him and thank him for what he had done. If you just let me know about this I would be very thankful."
It didn't take her much time to reply. Her reply read -
" So, you're saying that you will come all the way to LA from India wasting all your savings just to thank Harry?"
Me - "Yes! I am aware he is very busy so I don't want to bother him. I just want to thank him and say him how much I love him. That's it. So, is he doing any small show?"
She - "Well, as far as I know, he isn't doing anything of that sort. But seeing your dedication towards him, I might be able to help you meet him."
Me - "Oh my god Hélène, that is so kind of you. How do I thank you enough, I will forever owe you for this."
She - "Oh, come on. To be honest with you, I owe a lot to Harry..he has done a lot for me. So, I am just trying to repay his kindness. He loves meeting you all, he makes him happy so you know, you are actually doing me a favour."
Me - "You are too sweet. And I am still great full for this."
She - " Haha. Anyway, I'll let you know by tomorrow. Is that okay?"
Me - "Sure, thanks again <3"

I couldn't keep it to myself, this was too much. I knre i cant keep it till morning so I called Diksha and I told her what just happened.
"I know, I know. I can't believe this myself. But it's not final yet. She said she'll let me know tomorrow. I am just praying for a positive reply. I can't just lose it after being this close" I confessed.
"Oh shut up! Stop thinking all these. It'll be positive of course." she said
"Hope so" I said.
"You have to treat me tomorrow! No excuses, this is huge" she said excited.
"Of course i will, you can have whatever you want to" I said happily
"Yessss! Oh fuck, it's late, we should sleep. Professor won't take this as an excuse for being late"
"True, I didn't even realize the time. We should sleep. Good night" I replied
"Good night" she said before hanging up the call.
I definitely tried to sleep but I couldn't. I just couldn't digest everything. I was too overjoyed to sleep. I mean, who wouldn't be? But I still forced myself to sleep, after a lot of struggle I finally dozed off.

*Next morning*

I was exhausted since I hardly slept 2 hours. I kept on dreaming about Harry with eyes wide open. You can't blame me though, my poor fangirl heart couldn't handle all these.
I quickly got ready and went to my college. As soon as I saw Diksha, we both ran towards each other with our widest smiles and hugged each other tightly. We jumped like small kids without bothering about the people around us.
"I am so happy! You are finally living your dream" she said.
"Aww, I sometimes wonder what would I do with you" I said.
"You would have probably ended up like a depressed soul" she said sarsacticaly.
"Haha. So funny. Come on Miss sarsactic, professor wouldn't find it funny if we're late" I said.
I did all my classes without feeling sleeping or tired but couldn't concentrate. My head was spinning with all sorts of weird imaginations. I couldn't think straight.
"You are going to be the death of me" I said in a very low voice as I gazed at Harry's picture.

The rest of the day was same, boring. But I still had a reason to smile even though I didn't receive any text from Hélène. And I do not blame her afterall my mornings are her nights. Moreover, she was helping me a lot even though we are strangers, so I was obligated to wait.
At night, while I was scrolling through my feed I got a text from her. I didn't even think twice before tapping on the text. It read -
"Hey there. So I talked to Harry about the this. He would love to meet you, so tell me when are you coming?"
Can you imagine my situation at that point of time? I almost had a heart attack. Imagine Harry knowing you exist and being glad about meeting you. Exactly, all of this was so unreal. I hope this wasn't a dream! I tired not to over react but...
"Okay Akriti, okay. Calm down, don't over react." I said to myself as I tried to calm myself down.
Finally I managed to write her back -
"What about Christmas holidays? It's only 3 weeks away. I'll come for a whole week, so we can meet whenever he is free."
She - "That's perfect. I'll let him know. Let me know if you need any other help."
Me- "Thank you so much."
She- "No worries."
I knew I had a long day ahead so I tired sleeping. It was very hard to sleep, my mind wouldn't agree with me. I wanted to call Diksha and let her know but I know it was very late and I didn't want to disturb her. So, controlled my excitement and shut my eyes. I don't exactly know when I fell asleep but I know that it was somewhat after 3 am.
The next morning I called Diksha to tell her everything that had happened last night and also that I won't be coming to the University since I had a lot of work to take care of.
Firstly, I made my visa. Secondly, I booked my tickets and did all the other necessary work. Later that day Diksha came by my place and dragged me to shopping malls even though I wasn't in a mood. I told myself that I won't buy anything since I was planning to go for shopping a week later, since I would get paid then and right now I am totally broke. Diksha showed me hell lot of clothes but I dissed them all making some kind of excuse. I was doing pretty good with my plan of not buying anything until I was that dress. It was way too beautiful and I couldn't let it go. It was a black cold shoulder dress with rose prints around the cold shoulder cut. It was just perfect. I knew I needed "that" dress.
"Mr. Styles, I think I have got the perfect dress." I whispered to myself as I picked it up. I know I was broke but I couldn't let this go so I went to the cash counter.
"Woah, woah, woah. What do you think you're doing?" I heard Diksha from behind.
"Paying for my dress" I said in a obvious tone.
"No, you're not" sh said as she took the dress from my hand. "Because I am" she said as she gave her credit card.
"No no no! If you pay then I don't need it, keep it yourself" I said
"Okay" she simply replied
"I am not kidding" I said again.
"Neither am i." she said in a i-dont-care tone.
"Kay then." I said rolling my eyes.
We didn't talk the way back, it was very silent. I hate silence, it killed me. But I was pissed about how she reacted back there, moreover I made my mind that I won't say sorry first this time. Soon, we rached my apartment. We didn't even wave a goodbye, I simply got out of my Uber and walked towards my apartment.

Ah! What a day it was. I wasn't feeling very good as I just fought with my best friend but I didn't want to apologise first. So, I decided not to think about it. I didn't even feel like eating, I just lay on my bed. After a while, I dozed off to sleep.


Hey guys!
I hope you are enjoying it till now. If you are then please share it with your friends. PLEASE!!
Also, dm me if you have any suggestions for my story or anything at all. As I said this is my first time writing stuff like this. So, yeah..I would love some help.
Thank you!
Love you all <3

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