chapter - 17

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*Damian's pov*

I'm such an idiot. Why  did I do that to her?! She's sad now. Damn my self.

I don't look at her while telling the truth. I can't see her crying. She's way too innocent to cry over fake people. I don't want to hurt her. I was boiling inside when I saw Sara dragging her like a slave in my car. God knows what she have done with her when I gave Sara her custody.

I blame myself for a single scartch she got. It was Sara who gave her beatings but whole fault was mine. I treated her like she's an object. I wanted to make sure that I don't get attatched to a girl who is selfish and just want to marry me for riches

I've met many girls of this country, in parties and functions. All the parents just literally drag their girls to me and my siblings and start telling how useful/skilled/beautiful daughters they have.

I hate these kind of people and sometime their daughters just comes out to be legit street slut. I tried dating a girl once it was suggested by some parent that their neice is very cool and she ended up fucking with my elder brother after she failed to have any sexual contact with me.

I thought as Jen is  from their area  she will be same as them - a fake girl wearing mask of skill and makeup.

I just wanted to protect myself from getting hurt again.

I can still hear the sobs. She's trying best to surpress them. I've never seen a girl trying to hide her emotions just like that.

She's going through a tough time and I blame myself for it. I can't imagine what she's going through right now. If I had someone raised me with fake love and then just throw me infront of a stranger - I would be devastated to no limit.

Though, she's trying her best to surpress her sobs, I can still hear them.

"Don't cry" I put my hand on her shoulder she flicnches a bit,she's shocked that I touched her. Did I do something out of my limits? Maybe I shouldn't touch her. Her shoulder is soft and small. She's weak, after all I made her tie down in a dark room. I shouldn't have done that. My hurt aches to see her in this postion.

"I'm not crying" she try to sound like she's okay but she fails miserably.

"I wanna see myself if you're telling the truth" she adds. It just makes me more sad that she loved her aunt so much that she don't wanna believe what is the truth. I think hard about it.

I will make situation more worse if I don't let her aunt to tell her the truth all by herself. I'll just join to support Jen. What if she do something to herself after listening the truth?

I won't be able to forgive myself. Though , I'm a devil who loves to see blood everywhere, I can't see her breaking down.

Wait why am I so concerned about this? I shouldn't be. I'm a demon. I like to see people starve , die and torture them. I shouldn't be thinking so much about if she's gonna do something to herself. I should enjoy it.

In the world of demons, me and my family loves to torture people and shed their blood. It's like we crave to see blood at nights.

I know it's wrong, but I can't control myself.

I look at her - do I really wanna see her suffering?

"Okay, we will go after three days, I've some work at office" I say trying to sound casual. But I know she can read me well. She's the very first girl who can figure out wether I'm worried or not. It's something very unusual.

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