chapter - 56

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*Damian's pov*

"We need to ask you some questions ma'am, are you in condition to answer any of that?" Cop asks


"Sir?" Cop signs me to say go out of the room.

I quitely go out from room and sit on the iron bench. While whole interview I just think what are her thoughts for us? What will she say? Is she going to blame ritual or me or my family? Will she expose my family?

If she does that I've to wash the memory of cop.

After a good twenty minutes, cop comes out from the room. His expressions are sour so I can't tell what she said.

"Sir, what do you want me to do with the answers?"

"Give them to me" my heart starts racing faster. What will be her answers to all the problem? What she answers to why is she here??

"Here you go sir, I wish this doesn't effect my job"

"It won't. Go" I say as I sit on the bench again with mini pad in my hand. My hands are a bit sweaty.

Her opinion matter alot to me I don't know why.

I open the mini pad.-

"How are you feeling ma'am?"

"Quite in pain"

"I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any domestic violence problem?"

Did I ever hit her? I don't remember. Maybe I did?

"No, not at all" wow. I didn't know she'll deny it. Didn't she mention ritual? Or cop didn't write it?

"Is somebody bullying you or forcing you to do something you don't want to?"

Yes. I did that

"Not really"

"Then why did you attempt suicide ma'am?"


"I just don't want to live"

A tear drops on the page making it wet. What is it? I'm crying?!

Yes. I wanna hug her so bad right now. Why Jen? Why?? If I'm telling you I'll be here, why you don't wanna live? Why she hates herself , her life so much that she just wants to end it?!

I close the mini pad in frustration. I don't want to read it any further. it hurts alot. It stings my heart. I want her to make happy. But she's just not coming in consciousness or I'll tell her she doesn't have to worry at all!

I just need her to be in whole her consciousness so I can tell her that everything is alright but I'm not getting any chance!

And I swear now once I get it, I won't leave it. I'll make Jen mine. I won't wait anybody even if it's for my family. She's the reason our family is now completed.

I hear my phone ringing. It's mom. What is it now?!


"Son! Happy news!"


"Son? Are you crying?"


"You are"

"Just get to the point mom" I yell a bit.

"Your father, he's just to complete healing, he's coming out from his grave"


"Good? Only good? What happened Damian ? Are you alright?"

No mom. This devil just got a heart by itself

"Yes, I'll be there once he'll come out please don't call me again till then" I say as I cut the call.

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