Chapter Four

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Nyx's body ached as she dragged herself up the stairs to her room. She has been training non stop for hours. She loved it though, even with the bruises she could feel forming. She relished in the feeling of it. She was getting better each day, lasting longer and longer against her trainers.

Finally she threw herself into the large bed, she sunk in it. She received the room the first day she go to Velaris. Even though it's been a year she was still in awe of the city, and now she could see it everyday from the balcony seeing the huge city sprawl under it. Every chance she got to go to the city she took it spending hours talking to the residents eating food and looking at art.

As she slipped into sleep she was grateful that tomorrow she only had Poison and Political classes. Poison training was simple and she was good at it. She was given multiple poisons and their antidotes and she had to name them and match them together. Political was slightly more boring, it was memorizing names to faces, problems within courts and how to use that to your advantage. But her shadows were always helpful with that one.

Political training might be better to her body than physical training but it was much worse mentally. Did she really give a shit about who the High Lord of Dawns third cousin twice removed was? But since her High Lord wished for her to learn, she hasn't complained once.

She listened to Nehana drone on about the long and tedious family history of the Autumn Court. Every once and a while almost falling asleep but her shadows were quick to shock her out of it.

"And then Mikkal mated with Amara. They claimed to be mates but Autumn Court was weak at the time Mikkal's father was cruel to the lesser Fae and they started to protest. When he died Mikkal became High Lord and he was weak compared to his father. Neither cruel or nice. He soo-" she was cut off by the door opening.

One of Orin's court members burst through the door interrupting Nyx's lessons. "You must come with me immediately, girl." he said making Nyx raise one of her eyebrows. He was angry about being sent as a messenger, especially knowing that their High Lord could call people with his mind. And as much as she was thankful he interrupted she hated him more.

So Just to irritate him more she opened her mind bariar to let her High Lord slip in.

"You summoned me sire?" Nyx asked watching the male across from her turn red in anger

"You know I did, stop antagonizing Denir," He said but She could hear the amusement littering in her head.

"You sent him." She said but when she felt the small tug on her person Nyx took one more look at Denir giving a small little smile before disappearing into the shadows.

Appearing in the room she watched the scene for a second before stepping forward. Orin nodded acknowledging her presence. He flicked his hand once indicating he wanted her to watch what was happening.

In front of her was a High Fae tied to a chair, his body was tied with ropes his feet were staked to the ground and his hands to the chair.

Nyx awaited her orders silently unsure what he wanted of her.

Then the command came. "Break him." Then he stepped back and stood against the wall.

Nyx hesitantly stepped forward her hands shaking as She reached for a small knife from the table a few feet from the male. She glanced backwards at her High Lord who nodded urging her forward.

The first cut she made was small, across his cheekbone. He didn't let out a sound making her grit her teeth slightly. Adjusting the grip on her knife Nyx sliced deep on the other cheek making a matching cut. This time he let out a pained grunt, Nyx smiled slightly in delight, glancing back to the male
watching who gestured to look back at the Fae infront of her. She looked at his bloody face trying to decide where to cut next.

A Court of Secrets and Shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें