Chapter Five

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Nyx over the years of training started to deal with the enemies of the Night Court. Spending time with new trainers who showed her how to successfully break someone. Showing her which areas and wounds cause the most pain.

She was thirteen in no time and a few more things were added to her lessons.

Seduction was one she had trouble with when first starting the training. At first her teacher, Amela, explained that if she felt things she must push it down saying. "Think with your head not your cunt."

She didn't like the skill at first, it reminded her of the males. And the thought of pretending to be attracted to someone made her feel sick. But the skill was useful, and Orin told her countless times she didn't have to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. But she soon became comfortable with everything, it became almost to easy to ignore or turn off her feelings.

She became his perfect killer, able to bring both mated males and females to their knees.

It was later that year she was sent on her first mission. It was a simple hunting mission. She in her clad black armor Orin gifted her. She searched through the Night Court woods for four hours before she found him. The High Fae had been selling information to other courts, so  they sent out Nyx. 

She dragged him to her High Lord half-dead.

For the next few years she was gone more than she was home. She built her informants. She had multiple in each court including Hybern. She controlled the most deadly force in the world.

When she did have time to be in Velaris she always spent time with Rhea. The girl never once judged her for the blood that coated her hands.

Rhea was younger than Nyx by one year. Nyx felt strongly about the younger female. She loved her. They anchored each other.

They spent time with each other whenever Nyx was home

Rhea was normal, well she was as normal as she could be with her father being a High Lord. Rhea and Nyx often spared together, not to the extent Nyx would train but the female could cirtenly hold her own against trained Fae.  And Nyx trusted her with her life. Telling the girl things that Nyx would never admit to others, maybe not even Azriel. She told her about her childhood, about how she got each scar that laced her body, about her dreams.

They went flying together late at night, racing around Velaris and jumping out of the House of Wind. The people of Velaris got used to seeing the two, if one was out the other was most likely a few paces behind the first.

On Rhea's 14 birthday they went to the Cabin, stealing some liquor and spent a week together. Playing in the snow and forgetting about all the things that awaited them at home. Nyx gave her a ring that week for one of her presents, Nyx had a matching one. Something they both wore everyday now. Nyx remembered reading about it from some humans book, something you gave a person you loved. It was a ring with a large Olov diamond in the center and two smaller purple Olovs on the side. Olov diamonds being very rare and only found in the Night Court mines.

Nyx didn't know when it became something more. They acknowledged they loved each other, but they never went more than friends. Not till a random night when Nyx was 17 and Rhea 16.

It was late a night, Nyx got back from a mission to Rhea sleeping in her bed. A few books strewn around the girl. And Nyx heart stopped in her chest. She was truly the most beautiful female Nyx has ever seen.

Nyx quickly took a bath before washing off her swords and knives, they would be a bitch to clean if she let the blood on them dry. She tried to keep quiet, but in the end Rhea sat up with a yawn.

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