Chapter Two

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The first week went by slowly. Nyx cleaned Azriels wounds each night, today he had a particularly bad cut on his side. They huddled together on the edge of the clearing during the night. Staying under a large pine that helped keep the cold and wind to a minimum.

But it wasn't enough to keep the rain out.

It poured harshly, the rain drops feeling like icy needles on her skin as Azriel and her pushed themselves under the tree trying to shield themselves from the pain.

Both Azriel and Nyx were shaking and turning blue when two bodies crawled under the tree with them.

The twins tensed quickly, and Nyx's shadows flared slightly. She slowly went onto the balls of her feet as Azriel did the same. But as the two boys got fully under Nyx recognized them. One was the boy Azriel fought against the first day, Cassian her shadows reminded her, the other was one she saw in the fighting rings. Often he was against Cassian, he was a good fighter. Both better than any other boy that lived here.

They got fully under and like the twins were only able to crouch under the tree, their wings though bumped into each others making a few pushes and shuffling happen before they were comfortably not touching.

The brunette raised his hands "Hey, calm down." He said loudly, making his voice be heard over the rain.

Neither twin relaxed making Cassian visibly sigh in frustration. He looked at the black haired boy, Rhysand, High Lords son. Dangerous. Her shadows informed her.

"Both of you are going to freeze out here." The black hai- Rhysand said his teeth already chattering from being in the rain this long.

Neither twin understood what he was trying to say, Cassian must have seen their expressions and pushed Rhysand to the side ignoring the yell of anger.

"What this idiots trying to sa-" he was cut off with a punch on his arm Rhysand glaring at him. This resulted in Cassian lunging at Rhysand. Both boys scuffling around.

Azriel's and Nyx's eyes met and they shrugged slightly confused. They are stupid. Azriel's shadow whispered to her making her nod rolling her eyes at the same time, watching the wrestling boys.

The fight only went on for a few seconds a strike of lightning reminding them of where they were.

Both boys brushed themselves off. Having the decency to look slightly embarrassed.

"What I was trying to say is, there is an extra space in my house. If you want it." Rhysand said trying to brush off his jacket that was covered in mud. Nyx glared at that, it's not like they would have to wash the clothing.

But she ignored the anger and looked at Azriel who was already looking at her. He didn't need the shadows to convey his question. Do we? Was what they were both thinking. Nyx shrugged slightly anyone but Azriel would think it was a shiver. But the small nod she got in return made her know he understood.

Azriel turned to the two boys. "Where?" He said making both boys let out a breath of relief.

"Oh thank god." Cassian said "I don't know if Alla would let us back in without you." He said already turning fighting with Rhysand to get out first.

Nyx knew who Alla was, she often did some of the chores with the other females. Rhysand's mother. The High Lords mate. A shadow whispered. Nyx and Azriel both glanced at the one soaked blanket, the only thing they owned.

They left it, and headed into the rain.

Out from under the tree it was worse. The icy rain hitting their wings making her wince from the pain. Cassian and Rhysand both were waiting for the twins when they got out from under the tree. Both wasting no time before jogging off. And soon all four were running through the camp. Azriel gripping her hand.

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