chapter 4

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I layed the pups on the make shift bed i made them and saw a lovely robin egg blue music box and turned it a few times and layed down to the tune drifting into slumber fighting to keep my eyes open i soon gave into the slumber i so despritaly needed

dream start 

"why can't you be more like you're sisters who are well mannered and know there place when my boyfriend is around huh"  mother yells at while i try to run away she then grabbed my arm and pulled my and slapped me i cringed in pain  "why can't i be myself, what did i do wrong be born"i ask defying her 

"exsaclty you were born your dad left cause of you" she is screaming i run  to the front door while still hearing her yelling for me to get my butt back, in as i went out the front door 'that was the worst 16th birthday ever'i thought to myself 'i know right what a way to welcome me' i voice says in my head 'who are you?' i ask 'siberia winter your inner wolf' she says 'now want to do something cool' she asks 

'sure' i say i suddenly feel my body warm and i shift but  i was controling it this time, most of the time when i felt strong emotions i would shift but this time i got a choice

Dream End

"agh why that moment brain" i say out loud, waking the pups  walking over to them getting out formula i start to feed them their breakfast knowing when i get back it would be a worst scolding then that day  i looked at my clock it was only 6:00 a.m.

 "hush young ones" i say in my calm motherly voice

'can i have control for a little while it is still early' siberia begged me

'fine' i say 

i feel my mind losing control and i felt siberia taking control

"hush now little ones everything is fine"i hear siberia say to them

"hello there"i hear a deep voice behind us different from the one yesterday i feel siberia give me back control before i turn to look at the intruder "humph" i say "stubborn aren't we" he asks

 i put my eyes back on the pups

 "thought so jessie, jamie, come on in" the voice says "with pure pleasure  avery" the two girls from yesterday say as they step along with the dude from last night "morning" they all say 

i look away "humph" knowing they were here to tell me to get out like every other pack i have come across 

"i thought we talked about looking at me when i speak" the male from last night says with a cocky tone, while getting close to grabbing my chin just like my stepfather

 "fine but i recall telling you not to touch me" i say angerly remembering the things that used to happen and still did 

 "if you would look at him when he speaks he would not have to overstep bounderys" the two girls who's names are aparentently jessie and jamie " also on a side not do not touch the pups i have looked over them they look just fine to me" i say while thinking aloud 

" but how-" one of the two girls say as i cut her off

"i can look over a child an tell if they are okay they are just under nurished and need food" i say simply while all of their faces looked like they were idiots 

well of course i could look over children and tell if something was up

they soon made me go out to train as a warrior what they didn't  know was that was a bad idea putting me outside were i could easily run off 

i listen intently at the commander yelling out things he passed me i took the opportunity and ran i picked up the pups from their resting place under the tree

"see you guys" i waved at  a few of the warriors who i had made a friend with 

and booked it out of there heading in the direction of the sanctuary.

i got back the sanctuary knowing a storm was going to be rising desideing to get to work i run to my room lay the pups down and running to prepare the wolf food luckily mom won't be up for another two hours it was only 8:00 a.m she should still be out at this point

 i got out the wolves food and started to preapare it i finished it i was now bringing it out for them walking over and opening up the door "morning guys yes i know you missed me" as they all jump on me licking me i deside to shift and join them this morning i send a pack message 'lets have a bit of fun then train' i told them 'yes alpha' they thought back,  it was a pretty good morning until my mother awoke, i shifted back to go check on the pups in  my room seeing my was up knowing the storm i grab the pups from my room gave them to the wolfs telling them to watch them walking back to the house ready for the impact


 "no were i got lost in the forest and i was stuck there all night i am sorry mother" i say while whimpering "DON'T GIVE THAT YOU WOLF FREAK NOW I SEE WHY YOUR  REAL FATHER LEFT US HE DIDN'T WANT A FREAK LIKE YOU" now grabbing me and slapping me "Go to your room and your disgusting pack gone you are all freaks and  i want you out of my house" she says

 "i  don't know why i took in you and your pack when you and your brother were just children," she says giving me a side glance of hatred

  with me  now crying i run to my room tears running down my face as if a race to get to the bottom and get my hiking backpack start packing.

 after all i wasn't going to be here any longer was i and i didn't give a damn after all i had a place where me and my pack could stay


twist also i hope you enjoyed bye 


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