Chapter 10.

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"hey boys" miyana says "hi mama can we have some gum?" they ask with puppy dog eyes

"why not it was going to be gone in a day any who" shes says sadly with a huff she hands each of them a piece all four of them "yay!" they say in unison doing a silly little dance

'they sure are load also how dare you talk to our mate the way you did' siberia says 

'ya gotta do what ya gotta do' i say blankly

'you push to many people away and close off what you feel to much' siberia says sadly

'i know that i do it to protect me and anyone else' i say annoyed

'but do you care about you hmmmmm' siberia asks

'all that matters is my pack and their future not mine' i finnally blocking her out 

"alpha mercy can you help us from these human girls" quincton says

"just gently let them down with 'i have a girlfriend' even if you don't" i say simply

"yes alpha" he says as he walks over to the girls "you handle your pack pretty well"  nicholas says impressed 

"are you saying there are flaws because its impossible for rouge to get in i provide for them we have a good amount of prey" i say annoyed

 "all that stuff matters but you have no females basically" he finishes "Are you calling my daughter malakai no one" i say getting pretty mad at this point 

"you are cute when your mad" he states smirking

 "then i am about  to be adorable" i say grabbing his shift

 i take a few deep breaths to calm myself remembering he is my mate i may not accept it yet but he still is "i am very sorry for my behavior and it was rude of me" i say, no matter how much i want to hurt him and his pretty face i can't he is an alpha of another pack "you should head back to your pack you are an alpha in training you need to set an exsample  for the rest of your pack" i say coldly "okay fine" he says in my same tone , i felt like an arrow had just been shot through my heart but i brushed it off "come on pack we have a lot of walking to do to get back our territory" i say calmly to him

they all follow me back i  put my hand up hearing something 'its a rouge' i say over pack link knowing the smell like my own packs 'get the pups and miyana in the middle' i tell  them over link , why put a perfectly healthy female in the middle who can fight well to answer  her daughter who is a year old well she has another litter on the way it was her last before her mate left her to rot and i am the only person in our pack who knows the rouge shows its self 

"hello marshell" i say coldly  who is he you ask well he is my real father the one who was found out and cast aside for cheating on his dead mate "daughter" i says softly his eyes look he just found candy "what do you want you lair and cheat" i say while very angerly  "i was looking for my baby girl" he says softly " i don't have a father" i spat angered  " i am your father whether  you like it or not" he says, starting to get annoyed i turn away "guys we need to head back to our territory" i say to my pack "yes alpha "my warriors and warriors in  training say "alpha huh what a lovely piece of info " my father says "shut your muzzle you bastard" i say "fine at least let me stay at your camp" he says pleadingly "agh.......... fine but i expect you to hunt for your own food" i deasided  " i can live with those terms" he says "you also have to help with the hunting party and  tonight's training" i say "aghh fine its better than nothing" he agrees 

-----------------time skip--------------------------

my dad and warriors were out hunting and i was helping out my pups they were crawling at this point in time they were so adorable and jamson was wandering around just as much ,miyana was sweeping the cave we were getting closer to getting a cabin for the pack to use " hey alpha do you love mr nicholas" eli asks looking at me like he was honestly curiously 

"well thats a hard question in a way yes and in a way no" i say looking down

 "thats what they all say" miyana butts in with a grin

 "anyways bud you should not ask her that question she needs to ask her self" she says wisely "thanks miyana also i have an ultrasound scheduled for next weekend at a pack doctor" i tell her "thank you so much mercy" she says. "THE WARRIORS HAVE ARRIVED WITH FOOD"  benji and banjamin yell i jump back "ahh" the quads yell. "thank you for your hard work boys you can grab your share and start your turn to guard the camp also after i am going to start on the cabin for healing and the pups" i tell them and catch my breath they do as i asked i grab the bottle and start to feed my pups one by one. "hey um mercy" my father says "hmm" i reply way to focused on my pups "are those three yours?" he asks "yeah they are i love them so much i would never leave them for anything" i tell him switching my pups to feed one of the  boys setting my only daughter down in a little nest i made out of loose cloth "i am a grandpa they are just so beautiful" he says , adopted or........" he asks "no no they are adopted but i love like my own" i say  i wondered if he was lying 

i start to think what would nicholas thinks of me am i pretty to him or dose he think i'm ugly  i am starting to think he does not after earlier he heard me tell him off he was most likely was heartbroken

'girl don't be proud its okay your in love' siberia quotes the muses from hercules 

'oh shut up' i tell her annoyed

after finishing feeding the pups i feed myself and head out to start working on the cabin but i saw that it was getting dark "time for patrols to shift" i yell out quincton,  harry and steph head out and the twins come back to report for the twilight shift "how is everything" i ask "fairly calm we did see blackfoot on our territory he looked like he was thinking about coming over but when he saw us he ran off other than that all was calm" they say  while i get out the quads pjs "get ready to sleep you have midnight patrol also good job" i tell them "yes alpha also thank you alpha" they say in unison "good night you guys" i say as i grab out my strechted out shirts for miyana " i will do two you do two" i say as i hand her two pairs of pjs "okay lets tackle this then the girls and then the baby boys" she says as we slip on their pjs "also here a few of my strecty shirts that are pretty old but can hide a belly like you would not even know" i tell her "night boys" she tells them "thank you so much mercy you are too kind to me" she tells me as we pick up our girls "time for bed ladies and gents" i tell them while changing their dipers and oncisies 

"good night carnios" i tell my babies

i grab my pjs and change behind our make shift changing room "night everyone" i tell them


i hope you enjoyed the chapter i may have killed my elbow though XD anywho bye


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