Chapter 5

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( top the cave they are going to be in for the time being)  i grabbed my battery charger  for when it is absolutley needed it, i got all my clothing out  considering i don't have a ton it was easy. running into my clinic grabbing all of tools and wraps, treats, anything i may need for me or any of the wolfs and pups.  now grabbing my multiple water bottles, my pot and pan going to my cabinet to grab the beans  and freeze dried foods 

i keep on me, what can i say my stepfather would want me out of the house for a few days at a time, i was now reaching up to grab my cook top.  as well as shampoo and body wash.

'you know would legit could survive on raw meat like the rest of our pack dose sometimes' siberia says

' i know but we can't have mom suspect that they are our pack we also need to stay away from their territory i know they have seen my  form and they are most likely looking for me' i say back 

i started towards my part of the wolf enclosure and dug out my life savings i had enough to last me for 7 months i should be able to get a job within that time i now have everything i need in my backpack "guys follow me we are leaving" i was the alpha of them so they follow, miyana carrying my pups along with her own.  i opened the gate and we headed towards the south woods which is far away from the pack and the sanctuary "wait" i hear my sisters yell from behind me"yes?" i say while turning around "here take these" they handed me a basket of all the thing i need to treat the wolfs along with the things i will need if i get sick "thank you guys so much" i say hugging them we said our goodbyes and i was off with the wolfs following behind me

------------------time skip-----------------------------------

we had finnally found an abandoned cave it was a good sizes for a small pack which we were i started to set up camp while the wolves that were strong enough to work started to make sure the injured wolfs as comfortable as they can while i got everyone's medications ready i gave everyone their medication while getting ready myself ready to go hunting i desided shifting would make it easy, siberia desided to add her touch i brown in her fur to make it harder to notice me 

i headed out with my warriors we only had three steph, quincton, harry  we were wandering around but soon spotted a deer not a very large buck but he will do we all got in hunting position ready to make the kill it was an easy to kill i told steph and harry to bring it back to the pack while i got a few rabbits with quincton after we got five of them we headed back and ate with the pack i caught i whiff of another wolf and told my warriors to come guard with me i could not believe my eyes it was blackfoot i went over to him and led to our cave and gave him a rabbit making sure the warriors were protecting the pups just in case 

now looking over him making sure he healed correctly with him  not looking very happy that i i was looking at me i bark to one of my warriors telling them he is safe touching his nose telling him that he is welcome i felt a spark go up my spine but keeping my calm not showing my surprised going over to miyana giving her a rabbit since she was nursing the pups we had 10 of them counting mine her mate left her so she was still recovering blackfoot looked at me strangely what wild wolfs can't have a pack bond

"steph keep your eye on him" i tell him through pack chat 

"yes alpha" he replies 

my mom thought that they where real wolves i look at blackfoot with a you want to try me look he looked surprised but desided to be respectful 'good choice' i think to siberia i gave blackfoot a lick on the ear i felt the sparks again what the heck was this about

'yeah he needs to know his place in our small pack' siberia says

he then gives me i know who you are look i want to look surprised but i keep my composer  and stay calm  and collected while focusing on the pack  they now needed me a lot  after all i was their alpha and i would never let anything  happen to them

A/N thanks for reading


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