Chapter 26

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"hello dear" nicholas's mom chia says pulling me into a hug { i'll tell you when to play the song}

"dear get off the poor girl, sorry about her i'm Remo nicholas's father . his mother and him won't stop talking about you so i had to meet  you" Remo says flashing me a grin 

"i am flatered that you would want to meet me and my humble pack" i say respectfully 

"Hey  Alpha Mercy can you help me with dinner" miyana comes in asking me

"Of corse, pardon me" i  say politely

"oh no we can help her instead" chia insited 

"okay.." i say

chia, jamie and jessie walk over to the kitchen to help

"so mercy how long have you been apart of this pack?" remo asks me

"well technically since birth but things happened........." i say mumbling the last part

"what kind of things? " nicholas asks me

"well ya know just life i guess" i say vaugly 

harry, steph and quincton walk in at that moment amazing timing guys fantastic

"Life more than life happened to this one" steph says

"heh heh shut up" i mumble into his ear

just then the quads walk in

"so alpha have you thought of an answer to our question?" the quads ask me

/Welp good bye all pride i have left

"what question?" nicholas asks

"oh i asked her if she loved you!" eli says happily

nicholas cocks a smirk "i would to know that as well"

/amazing just please let me die of shame here, no look under control

"excuse me boys what did i say  about asking the one question she has to ask herself" miyana walks in scoulding the quads i knew she can't save me though

"well the answer mercy" nicholas says

"umm..... i ........" i start to feel anxeity coming on and coming on fast

"Deep breaths alpha" miyana tells me over pack link

i take a deep breath and look him straight in the eye

"i don't know what love feels like other than the love that my pack has given me and the fake love my........." i stop myself

"and your..." nicholas pushes

"you poor thing " chia says from the kitchen and walks over hugging me tight

"i am and have been fine" i lie 

"thats a lie" miyana mumbles barley audible 

"hmm" nicholas says

"oh nothing, anyways dinner is ready. alpha i assume you aren't going to join us" miyana says

"no i have work to get done in my office, and i have my pups to feed"i say smoothly

"let me com-" nicholas starts but i am already up the short stair case and in my small cornor office

i turn on one of my favorite songs waving through a window {start song now}

i start to work while feeding alarick and aldwulf ,malakai was holding the bottle herself i was so proud 

after i finish feeding them i start to work on the laptop that the twins thought i needed aka they are going to use it to skype jamie and jessie 

i work on a few files i started yesterday night i hear a knock on my door 

"enter" i say still focusing on work it was my way of distracting myself from nicholas

"i brought you some of dinner" i hear nicholas from behind me say

"thank you , you can set it right there " he does as i ask i gobble it up and head down to spend more time with my guests

"i appolagize for not joining you" i say bowing my head calmly

"oh it is quite fine you didn't miss much" chia says sweetly

"so winter, what do you do for it when it comes?" i ask

"we just have the omega and lower ranks do alot of fetching things and lower class warriors hall things over to the pack house"remo says like it is normal

"i treat all the members of my pack equally and we all have even  jobs to do it was the same for the past forty gens of my pack" i say catching myself before i spread to much info

"i heard that last year your elder alpha passed away i am so sorry" chia says

"its okay he was my dads father and he taught me everything i know now" i tell them

"also i never caught your names" i say turning too them i know one is david

"i am beta avery and he is david" he says

"i knew it he is-" i jump up doing a victory dance but get cut off by david grabbing my shoulder 

"sis?"david asks i start crying happy tears i knew he would survive 

"thank you for you did"


hello there two chapters one day my inspo brought to you by this

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