Chapter 24

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Mercy's p.o.v

Nicholas was all i could think about lately, i need to get him off my mind i have a pack to take care of and provide for. So need to get him out of my head
"Hey alpha?" Miyana says
" Yeah" i say
"Why have you been eating less lately?" she asks
"Oh i guess i just have been forgetting too eat, i have been to busy preparing the cave for winter. Speaking of which we need to go out to get piles of comforters as well as blankets and pillows, and water and cold proof covers"i tell her
i write what i need down on a piece of paper in the notebook our pack uses
twins list
°14 comforters
°20 blankets
°25 pillows
°10 water proof and heat and cold proof covers for outside (get them at the camping store, trust me)
I write for the twins list
Miyana's list
°period supplies
°small burner battery powered
°small heater wood power
°and all of your prescription
I give them both their lists
"Please get these winter is coming" i tell them
"Yes alpha" they say
"Good and thank you" i tell them

I see blackfoot/Nicholas out of the corner of my eye
I click my tongue
He knows he has been caught and comes over to me i run inside and grab him some clothes
"Here ya go" i say giving him the clothes
He runs behind a tree and shifts and comes out in the outfit i gave him
It had an arrow pointing to his face saying
"I'm a pretty boy ,pretty stupid too"
"Hehe" i mumble
He looks pretty mad at me
"What?" I say acting unknowing
" You know exactly what. Why this shirt? " he says grabbing it
"Cuz its true" i state

"Anywho want to come inside the cave we are getting prepared for the cold weather ahead" i say he nods his head when i come quicton & harry putting up beams with blankets weaved through them
"Let me help" Nicholas says running over

" Thanks nicholas" Harry says
"Its nothing, helping my mates pack is nothing but out of my love for her" he says  put his hand to his chest dramatically

"WE ARE BACK BABY AHAHAHA BACK" benji says dramatically
"Seriously everytime benji" i say
"Obviously everytime" he states i look as his brother comes in with a large wagon full of everything i asked for
"Thank you two " i tell them
"No problem now lets get to work" they say

After  miyana got back me and her went out to hunt with steph and my dad
Well miyana, Dad and steph went hunt while i got herbs that will keep the meat good

The fall breeze blowing past my fur

Hello my precious readers wow 302 of us now thank you guys so much and a special shout out to KhloeKM for being such a big supporter of the book really i can not thank her enough for reading and commenting on this cringey book

also i am starting a new book called "the choosing" it is about a werewolf girl being abandoned to fend for herself in the wild for the next 10 years along with four hundred other girls and four hundred other boys all around the age between 9-25 years old only given a weapon of their choosing and a backpack and gym bag to fill with whatever they wish too fill it with so long as it did not carrie a person/magical being, pets are allowed

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