Chapter 8

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"Here eat this it may not taste very good though" i say to him giving him some herbs

"You were not kidding" he says while chewing the herbs i gave him

"Keep your muzzle  shut when chewing"i growl out

" anyways what is you're name?" he asks

"Don't ask others names without stating you own" i say annoyed

"I am Nicholas, now you" he says

"Mercy  macromeria. Now get off my territory" I say

" alpha can you help me please" Noah asks showing me his knife for carveing
"Sure hand to me" i say fixing his knife "there you go bud" i say as I hand it to him
"Alpha huh" he says  in a very suggestive tone "shut it" i say
"They really are my life" i say as I think aloud "I can tell" he says
"Hmph" i say as I get out the medication for miyana i walk over to her
"Here love" i say "thank you alpha" she says with a motherly smile

'hey i think I know him'Siberia says
'well Duh  you do' I say
'no like i knew his wolf also can we talk about how cute he is because' Siberia says 'No we can not talk about that no matter how much I want him' i say
'so she admits it eh' Siberia says happily
'oh do not even' I say

"Hey merc you okay?" Nicholas says. oh great i have been given a nickname

" Huh" i say snapping back to my senses getting back to my state of mind
I look around for my warriors "Boys we need to hunt the pack needs more food and herbs" i say at them "yes alpha" they say and we head out I look back and say "head to your pack mutt" before leaving to go hunt "I wish we could have seen his face" Siberia says "me to but we need to hunt"  the normal popping noise while shifting  "let's hunt"i mind link them they not there heads

_________________________time skip________________________

we had just got back from hunting the mutt was gone and blackfoot was back  "you should go back to your pack blackfoot" i tell him and he leaves towards nicholas's neck of the woods thinking he must be a werewolf i let him go wherever i felt i should follow him but knowing to stay with my pack 'mate' siberia whispers 'what was that ' i ask 'oh nothing' she says skitishly  'kay' i say 'now time for FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD we need to shift or give me control'

'fine' i say as she takes control 'yay!! FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD' (is siberia just like you because she is my spirt animal)

 she then gobbled up her food happily  now getting my formula for the pups  and feeding them even though she knew that miyana had plenty to share

===================time skip===========
I helping the pups  get on their jammies "Buttttttttttttt we don't wanna go to bed" they all say whining "You have to go to sleep so you can be strong warriors for the pack" i tell them in a soft tone of voice

 "okay" they say while heading to bed "night guys" i say with a grin

I head outside and sat under the star light 

"hi mom" i whispered at the moon knowing she wouldn't hear me but i could try i shifted the popping sound filling my ears

i looked at the moon and i started to howl  i heard other wolves, after that I headed in to sleep it was Saturday  tomorrow so I was going out to get supplies for my pack

I hope you enjoyed the chapter


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