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I was burning hot but I didn't have a fever, and the AC was on full blast. What was happening to me? I slipped out of my bed and sat on the edge, sighing into my hands. I knew why I felt like my body was on fire. Tate. Tate and his kiss. Tate and his strong arms. Tate and his tanned body.Good God, he's sexy.

I shouldn't be feeling anything for him. Whether he had meant to or not earlier this afternoon, he had shown me he'd been feeling something, too. I hadn't been dreaming it. He kissed me on the cheek and inhaled. I hadn't imagined the hard-on under his swim shorts when we were in the pool. I hadn't imagined the lustful way he looked at me, the way his gaze on my lips made me think he was about to devour me.

And damn it, I wanted to feel them all again. I wanted more from him. I wanted the hardness of his body pressed against mine. I wanted our lips crashing against each other, wanted to feel his breaths against my skin, his hands on my body. And I more than desired to feel the stubble on his chin on my legs and my thighs, and everywhere in between.

I stared at my silent phone on the nightstand and wondered if Chelsea was still awake. Knowing her, if she was still up, she had likely been partying and whatever conversation we'd have wouldn't make sense. All she'd do was encourage me to hop on the Tate train.

As I was about to reach for my phone, I heard a creak coming from outside my bedroom door. Maddy had been sleeping well, and I had set the house alarm before going to bed as per Tate's strict instructions. I stood, steady on my feet and grabbed the bat, which I'd found in the garage and hidden behind my dresser. I tightened my hands around it, ready to swing at anyone outside my door, ready to protect not only myself but Maddy, too.

As soon as I opened my door, I raised the bat higher and almost swung at Tate in the darkened hallway.

"Whoa there," he said, shocked, his hands up in surrender. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked at the same time in a whisper-shout. "You scared the bejesus out of me."

"Me? You're the one holding a bat!"

I looked at my choice of weapon and realizing I was still prepared to do damage, I lowered it. "Sorry. I didn't hear you come in."

"I knew you'd both be asleep. I didn't want to make too much noise. I know better next time." He nodded at the bat.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I stopped the urge to laugh at him.  The hallway night light illuminated his features, his sexy attributes. The scruff on his face framing his pink and pouty lips--too unfairly gorgeous for a man to have--the stark blue eyes, the mussed up head of hair. And his body. Good lord, that body. I took him all in, dressed in the same shirt and jeans he'd left in earlier. Everything fit him perfectly. All the thoughts I had before in the safety of my bedroom surfaced once more. But would it be right for me to act on it? Even half knowing he might have the same desires as I do? I hoped the sparse lighting didn't betray me and showed off the blush on my cheeks.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Very." His reply didn't help at all, especially when he was looking at me the way he had in the pool. Like I was the one he wanted to devour.

"I'll warm up food for you." I set the bat down by my bedroom door.

"Thanks. I'll just change and check on Maddy. She's been good today?"

"Yup. Always." Unlike me who'd been fantasizing about her father. I ducked my head and proceeded to the kitchen. Too chicken to say or do anything else to Tate.

Once done warming up a plate of pasta, I returned to my b from, stopping momentarily to watch Tate tuck Maddy in her bed. He sat on the edge of her bed, running his fingers over her curls and murmuring good night to her. He bent down and kissed her forehead before standing. He stared at her a few seconds more, as if he was waiting to see if Maddy stir at all. Then he turned to the door and locked gazes with me.

Resisting Cassidy (A Forbidden Romance)Where stories live. Discover now