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All was forgotten. At least for the rest of the afternoon.

When Maddy woke from her nap, she'd stuck to Tate like glue on paper. There wasn't any mention of earlier events. No mention of her mother, which I found odd as I'd always been a big Mama's girl. I was also my Dad's princess, being the only girl in his brood of seven, but Mom and I had a special bond. She didn't teach me to be girly. She hadn't taught me to turn myself into what guys expected me to be, but told me how to strive for what I thought was the best version of me.

I wanted the same for Maddy. In the short time we'd had, I'd learned to love her. Seeing her so heartbroken by the actions of her mother and even her father made me want to wrap her in a protective layer. Although as the hours went and her smile stayed, her laughter getting louder, I realized at such a young age, unknowingly, she was teaching me something. She was brave and strong and loving. Capable of forgiveness. But I couldn't help wanting to keep her here, with me, with us forever. Our time was numbered. The seconds dwindling. Soon, she'd return to Miami and I wasn't too sure when I'd see her again.

After a late BBQ lunch in the backyard, we took advantage of the sun and the pool. It wasn't the beach but we'd made it our own little paradise. We laughed and played and swam.

Tate didn't get in the pool with us as he tended to the BBQ. He also received two phone calls--one from Jason and the other from the hospital. He seemed resigned with whatever he'd talked to Jason about. Since Maddy was around, all I could ask was if everything was okay. He smiled and nodded. Even with his daughter there, he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me on the lips. This made Maddy giggle. With her little arms, she joined in the connection and Tate picked her up so we both could hug and kiss her. With all our foreheads touching together, we told Maddy how much we loved her.

The other call came fromhis work. He needed to go in due to an emergency. Maddy and I said goodbye to him at the door. The house was too quiet after. She and I agreed we needed more noise. More kids. More people. Family.

I took her to my parents and she went right into relaxed kid mode with my nieces and nephews.

Marianne told me Jason had work to do, and I assumed it had something to do with what happened to Tate. At least I didn't have to try convincing my brother to remain his lawyer. Tate needed him more now than before.

"Did he say anything else to you?" I asked, keeping my hands behind me so she wouldn't see them shake. I had no idea how the rest of my family would react if they found out about me and Tate. Not all my brothers were as understanding or calm as Jason. Marianne didn't say anything about it. Either she didn't know--which I highly doubted since I knew all too well that Jason told her everything--or she wasn't ready to accept it.

While I watched Maddy play through the window, I helped Mom clean up after dinner. She looked out with me, to her growing family, with undisguised joy. My dad came and all he did was hug her from behind and kiss her cheek. My parents renewed their vows not too long ago, and they meant every single word they'd uttered in front of their family and friends. They loved each other. They understood each other. Age didn't make a difference in how they treated one another. If ever, their love even bloomed anew, growing throughout the years.

Dad gave mom another kiss and once he let her go, he winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled. When he left the kitchen, mom sighed like she already missed him. I could understand that, somewhat. I missed Tate. I missed him whenever he left for work. I missed him when he was out in the yard with Maddy. I missed him when I put Maddy in bed, and I had to go to my own bed alone.

Mom might have seen the wistful look in my eyes when she asked, "How are things with Tate?"

Funny. Usually she'd ask me how he was doing, and I answered like she had asked me that. "He's good. Still busy at work." We resumed to washing the dishes. She washed. I dried.

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