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Tiny fingers walked their way from my hand up my arm to my shoulder. It ached to move but I couldn't resist turning and seeing that little timid smile.

"Hey, you." I couldn't figure out how long I'd been out, enough to make my voice raspy. With slow but deliberate movements, I helped Maddy into bed with me.

"Are you sick too like daddy?" she asked in a whisper, like if she said out loud it might come true.

"A little." I kissed the top of her head as she snuggled closer, placing her cheek on my chest. Her body stilled for a moment. "What are you doing?"

"Shhhh." Maddy placed a finger over her pursed lips, effectively silencing me. "I'm listening to your heartbeat."

Couldn't argue with that. Although my head pounded and my eyelids seemed more sore than the rest of my face, there was an undeniable ache in my heart. Reality kicked in, guns blazing. Or more accurately, fists swinging. I would examine it more if it didn't hurt to think.

"You're okay, Cassie. Your heart beats."

I chuckled at her statement but warmed at the confidence in her voice . "Thank goodness! Thank you for checking on me Nurse Maddy."

She jolted to sitting, tiny fists bundled on her hips. "Cassie, I'm a doctor! Like daddy."

"Oh that's my mistake. I beg your pardon. Thank you, Doctor Maddy."

The sweet girl turned even more serious, tapping a finger on her chin, deep in thought. "You need to rest. My Daddy said rest is the best when you're sick."

I nodded once. "I will." With a hand out, I reached for her. "Would you like to cuddle? I don't think I'm contagious."

"What's that?"

"Contagious? It's when you're sick and you get other people sick, too."

Maddy's eyes narrowed, searching my face. "But Daddy's sick, too. Is he con—con—did you make him sick?"

"It's not that kind of sickness. What Daddy and I have is..." What did we have? An agreement? A relationship? Affection? Love? Had it been enough of a reason to wreck everyone involved? Was it worth it? "Different," I finished, unsure of what else to tell the innocent child.

Positive that I wasn't going to give her whatever it was ailing me, Maddy tucked herself under my arm and into the cocoon of my body. With a deep inhale, I could smell the berries shampoo in her hair commingled with the scent of the sun and a hint of chlorine. At least I could tell she was well away from the disaster of the morning. Moisture pooled in my eyes. I couldn't let Maddy see or hear me cry. I sucked in a sob, biting my bottom lip.

I loved this little girl. I loved her father. I loved my family, even my stupid and carelessly angry brother, Weston. Where would these recent events lead us all? Would Tate fight for us? He'd said as much last night. I was his. He proclaimed I was his. Did this still ring true after Weston had attacked him?

The dagger in my heart twisted. I ached to see him more now than ever before. I needed to see him. To know he was okay. To know he still loved me and his proclamation didn't get beaten out of him.

I looked around me, careful not to wake the now sleeping child. The room I was in was simply but tastefully decorated. Marianne's touch. Jason and Marianne kept their house in Bar Harbor for the days or weeks they came to visit. The shades were down and I couldn't tell if it was afternoon or it was well into the night. The lit lamp in the corner provided enough light in the room. There was no clock to be found. Where was my phone?

When did I get here? Who brought me? Who patched me up?  I touched the small square  gauze taped on my head.

Where was Tate?

Resisting Cassidy (A Forbidden Romance)Where stories live. Discover now