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After planting a quick kiss on Maddy's forehead, I told her again to have fun. She pouted and wrapped her arms around one of my legs.

"I'm gonna miss you," she said to my leg and proceeded to wipe her face on it. What a sweet girl. I wished I could say the same about her parents.

Not surprisingly, Cindy ignored me the whole time, too busy walking around in her gold sequinned bikini, large Sunhat and wedge sandals. She was Miami beach-ready. If she was expecting glistening ocean and miles and miles of sand, she'd be sorely disappointed. While I said my goodbye to Maddy, Cindy focused on her phone tap-tapping away to who knows whom, and every now and then, taking selfies in the living room.

Tate entered the room as I managed to release my leg from Maddy's grip. He'd changed into shorts, showing off muscular tanned legs, and a light blue linen shirt, half of the buttons undone to display his pecs. He donned a straw fedora hat and sunglasses. Damn him. He looked good and though I was angry at him, I still wanted climb his like a tree.

"You can come with us, you know. It's totally fine," he said to me as he set a bag of towels by the couch on the floor.

Oh yeah, let me get right on that. I'd love nothing more than watch you and your ex continue this charade.

"It's okay. Chelsea should be here soon." I kept my eyes averted from him. Luckily, my dear friend drove up the driveway as soon as I said her name. "She's here. Later." I hesitated by the door, wanting to hug Maddy again. The idea of leaving her alone with these people-whether they were her parents or not-didn't sit well in my gut. But I reminded my self again that it was not my business. I was only the nanny.

Not bothering to say more, I closed the door behind me and ran to Chelsea's car.

"Hey, bitch. You look hot!" Chelsea shouted over the hip hop song pumping out of her stereo.

I waved her compliment off, settled in my seat and buckled my seatbelt. "Lets go."

"What's wrong? Where's the cute little girl?" She looked over my

"She's not coming. Tate gave me the day off. He and Cindy are taking their daughter to the beach."

"Fuck. No way!"

"Yeah. Let's just go. I need to get out of this place."

Chelsea changed gears, but before she could peel out of the driveway, she asked, "Is that him?"

As much as I didn't want to, I looked up and watched Tate bring stuff out to his car. He loaded the bags and Maddy's folding beach chair into the trunk, then turned to stare at us.

"Fuck me. He's hot."

"Chelsea!" My dear friend had no filter.

"What? It's true. No wonder you boned him."

I could die of mortification, but Tate was staring me down. He'd pushed his sunglasses over his head and with his arms crossed, continued to stand in front of Chelsea's car. What was he waiting for? A kiss goodbye? Screw that.

"Can we just go?" I begged my friend when I was finally able to pull away from Tate's gaze.

"All right, girl."

Resisting Cassidy (A Forbidden Romance)Where stories live. Discover now