Free Run ✗1

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"Come on Jocelyn, we got all the damn clothes we need to practically put a shirt on every damn homeless person in Compton, you ready to go? Asking my slow behind friend as I wanted to leave  Forever 21.

Making her way out with arms full of shopping bags she replied. "Okay damn, just let me get a cinnamon pretzel first."

Heading over to Auntie's Ann's pretzel line we stood and ordered some cinnamon sticks. As I waited for Jocelyn to get her pretzel there was two guys behind me that thought it would be funny to pinch a good chunk of my ass. I turned around with the quickness ready to slap some damn body.

"Don't you ever in your life touch my ass again!" I yelled directly in his rude ass face.

"Damn baby I'm sorry but I just couldn't help myself, that ass was just calling me." One said as if something was amusing.

"I don't give a rats ass, you don't know me so don't touch me!"

Licking his lips trying to give an LL Cool J effect but it wasn't working for him. "So what if I get to know you, then what?" The guy asking trying to flirt with me as if this was all a game to him.

I looked him like he was out of his damn mind, before I could even say anything Jocelyn stepped in. "Don't mind her, she isn't the one you should be getting to know." She stated turning her charm on.

Jocelyn and I are complete opposites, 24/7 she's thirsty for sex and she doesn't stop till she gets what she wants. Jocelyn lost her virginity at age fifteen when we were Freshmen in High School, she walked in there with an agenda wanting to let all them bitches know from the get go that she's not the one to be fucked with. Really it was all a front for the girls, because I know that her main focus was only to get with a practical guy because she wanted to make a name for herself throughout the school. so all the guys would pay attention to her and all the girls would want to be her, but her actions only made her be known as a hoe.

So if you wanted a free fuck just call up Jocelyn and she would be at your door no questions asked. I couldn't even get a guy to notice me for me, since I was friends with her they thought I got down just like her but I'm not even close to being anything like that! Any guy I liked she snatched up, but it's whatever. It's Jocelyn life and I can't do anything but sit back and watch her destroy herself, whenever I reach out it falls on deaf ears. I'm my own woman, keep my
virginity is my choice.

"Your name is Jocelyn right?" He asked.

"Yes I am baby I am, and you?"

"Not interested," quick with his witty response. I began to laugh a little because it was the first guy I seen turn down Jocelyn. "Back to you though, what's your name?"

"So you think that by changing up the topic I'm going to forget that you and your friend just touched my ass? I don't even get a real apology for that?" I spat back.

"I'm sorry for my unruly behavior, I should have been a gentlemen but I was wild for doing that to your beautiful assets. I hope if not by this minute maybe over the course of time that you can forgive me and maybe we can start over."

I smiled, That's much better. I appreciate it."

"So can I know your name or what?"

I rolled my eyes not wanting to answer but then I thought I guess we cordial enough, I'm not going to see him again so why does it even matter. "It's Brielle, and you?"

"Michael, so it is too much to ask for if I say I would like your number?"

"Yes you're pressing your luck, now I'm not interested so goodbye."

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