Free Run ✗14

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Friday morning anything that wasn't completed was long out the way before the game came up. I wasn't beat for having my weekend jammed packed with a ton of shit to do, my priorities always come first. Today was free sailing, I went through my courses and couldn't wait for tonight to go down. During sociology Brett was clearly anticipating tonight more than I was, making sure I was going to be at the game and that he'll pick me up from my dorm after he showers. When I really thought about it, I think this the first time someone has asked me out on a date. Guys today so quick to bring you out on a cheap date and expect some type of sexual favor afterwards, or don't even bother with a date he just let it be known what he's looking to smash. Tonight better be everything I expect it to be or else I'm giving up on the male race.

UCLA vs. Washington State, 31 to 21! Brett scored at least five touchdowns throughout the game. After we walked back to the campus together I waited for him inside my dorm as he showered in his own. I didn't know where we were about to go and I started thinking that maybe I was over dressed for the occasion, I changed at least three times and decided fuck it, a nice blouse and a skirt never hurt anybody.

"You ready to go?" Brett knocked on my door.

When I opened the door his beautiful green eyes burned holes into mine. "Yeah, where are we going?" I asked as I closed my door behind me as we walked out.

"Well I don't know about you but I could eat for days right now, so first we grab something then I want to take you somewhere special. I sometimes hit this place up after my games or when I'm bored as hell."

Honestly I didn't hear a damn thing he said, the aroma of his cologne pierced through my nose sending me into a daze. I'm trying to get a hold of myself but it's so damn hard right now, he doesn't even have to do anything but just look at me and smile and I'll be good.

"You did really good out there tonight, I was cheering loud as hell for you." I smiled as we sat in Olive Garden to eat.

Not taking his eyes off me, he smiled and appreciated my comment. "Thank you, I try. When I'm out there I don't play no games. I'm trying to get recruited and make this a profession so my life is dedicated to this."

"If football doesn't work out for you what do you really want to do?"

"I thought about being a teacher, you know keep the family tradition alive. At the end of the day if I'm not teaching something that's in  books, then well I would love for someone to take an experience I been though and learn from it. I don't know, it's stupid."

"No that's actually pretty good, I think it's cute that you wanna be a teacher."

"What about you?"

"Honestly I had a plan but I don't know what I wanna be, right now I'm just trying to find what I like. I have a passion for talking to young females about the way a woman should carry herself but I don't know either. By all means I'm not perfect, I make mistakes like every body else. But like yourself I want my mistakes to be a teachable moment. Right now I'm majoring in nursing, I'm still trying to find myself through it all though."

"I think you're one of the few girls that I talked too that actually do what the say, clearly I don't know you well but I can tell that you're not concerned about being another statistic. You're not half assed dress, you actually wanted to pay for your own dinner. Most girls want dinner and a phone bill paid too!"

I laughed. "With me it's not even like that, far from that shit. These girls be hustling though, I'll give them that. I guess everyone is just raised differently. Like for you, you are really nice and I'm sorry but you are fine as hell and I been sitting here wondering to myself why in the hell are you still single?"

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