Free Run ✗17

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When Monday came around I followed through to my exact words, I told Chris I'll see what I could do. I saw how he was acting towards me when I told him I had other things to do, I saw how he chose to go about it, I saw the level of support he had from others so I took my ass to class. You will not throw a tantrum because your ass is going through some stress and expect me to bow down kiss your ass and do what you say after you blatantly disrespected me, sorry boo you got the wrong one. As a friend though yes I should've been there for him in his time of need, but when you get carried away that friend shit gets put on hold.

I don't know what was more difficult for me, not showing up to Chris's court appearance or telling Brett that it's best we just stay friends. I had everything I was looking for within him, first guy that ever made me try and change my game up. Brett is a gentlemen, sweet, nice, caring, respectable, funny on his good days but it wasn't enough to satisfy me. Wasn't just the moving slow part, it was him period I needed him to do a little more. I was bored of him. Honestly I think since I lost my virginity I became a different person, I like who I am but I don't at the same time if that makes sense.

Brielle died during her first hour of pleasure, this new Brielle 2.0 has become someone whose been very nasty. Not nasty as in sexual, but nasty as in attitude. The standards have been set high for myself, I turn around I don't see anybody behind me, I look ahead of myself and I don't see anybody, I look to my left and right and nobody is beside me. The decisions I make for myself will last for while but scar for a lifetime. This is me, this is who I am, this is how I wanted things to be but apart of me is missing something. I been expecting things to happen on my terms and play by my rules but if they don't then it's not right. This is my story so when does the next chapter begin and whose going to be in it?

"Brielle, baby is that you? My dad asked when I walked through the front door.

"Yeah, I'm home for good ."

"See I told you that you would come running home soon."

I smiled lugging my trunk in. No, the semester is about over and I think that I should just come home early."

"You missed me?"

I smiled, "Yeah I did and mommy too. But before you get into it. Yes I passed everything, no I don't have a boyfriend, and no girls turned me out. Did I answer everything you were going to ask?"

He laughed, "That's my girl."

When I got up to my room I took a long ass five hour nap, I had one of those dreams where it was vivid but yet you can't remember the face of anybody who was in it.!I was just sitting on the floor leaning against the wall while someone else was on the other side talking to me. By the way of the context of how it was going it wasn't a good one, we were having a problem that had no solution. There was no ending to it because I wasn't able to finish it, I was awaken by the smell of fired shrimp . When I looked over at the clock it was 8 o' clock at night, I started thinking about what was going on with Chris. I was worried a bit since I'm sure if everything was good he would've sent me a text or called me telling me good news but I didn't get anything. If his ass did get jail time then I would feel like complete shit knowing that the last time I seen him we fought with each other and I wasn't even there to see him get sent away.

I didn't want to check the internet to see if anything bad had happen then read through everyone's nasty comment about how glad they are to see that he's getting what he deserves. Chris never told me the story of what happen, he actually disappeared at little after it happen. I wanted to ask him but it was never my business, you would've expected me to draw away from him but I didn't. I knew him before all the bullshit, I see him differently than others. His past had nothing to do with me, there's three sides to every story.

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