Free Run ✗16

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I feel like the walls are caving in on me, shit that happen three years ago people still talking about it. Guarantee if I wasn't rich and successful I would just be another nigga on the 11 o' clock news, but since I'm rich and successful people continuously attack me and try to make an example out of me. I'm not trying to justify what I did, but saying when is enough going to be enough?

"How you feeling today?" Brielle stopped by.

"How am I suppose to feel? I got a court date next Monday, can you come?"

"What time?"

"8:00 am."

"Chris you know I have classes at the time, I can't miss them I have exams and shit coming up. I have to ask my professors if I can."

"Can you try, I need the support. Dammit Brielle, I could be facing jail time. Missing a couple classes ain't going to hurt you."

"That's easy for you to say, you not in school. Passing courses doesn't mean shit to you but this is my life right now, I can't play around."

"I don't have time for the headache, are you coming or not?"

She sighed, "I'll see what I can do."

I sat on the couch and put my feet on to the table as I stared into a blank t.v after a while Brielle came over and sat next to me.

"Chris you'll be fine whether I'm there or not, you don't need me to hold your hand you're a big boy." She jokingly smiled.

"Was that suppose to be funny? How many times have I been there for you when you needed something?"

"Uhh, let's back track for a minute. NEVER, I never needed anything from you nor did I ever ask for your help."

"Aight then, I see how it is."

"Don't make me feel bad, I already told you I'll see what I can do."

"Seeing what you can do isn't the same as saying yes Chris I'll be there."

"Chris I . . . I'm done, I can't anymore. I'm not going to say a damn thing to you anymore about it, when Monday comes we'll see what happens until then calm the fuck down."

I huffed and puffed mumbling names under my breath as I went up into my room to go get my box of weed, Brielle would slap the shit out of me if she seen this shit but I don't give a fuck right now. She's making me so damn mad I need something, I went back down stairs and went out on to the porch to release myself. I was almost done with it till she came out to see what I was doing.

"You just don't care, you promise me you would stop!"

It was disrespectful but I blew smoke into her face, "I didn't promise you shit."

She slapped me in my face and walked away, I flicked the bud into the grass then grabbed her by her arm.

"What's your problem?"

"What's my problem? What's your fucking problem? I'm trying to fucking help you right now and you blow smoke in my face? You're an idiot, don't you think that the judge is going to test you for marijuana when you go back Monday?"

"Clearly I do not give a fuck, what part of that do you not get?" I shouted.

"You don't give a damn about anybody but yourself it's all about what you want, you need to grow up! I swear sometimes I just want to punch in the face over the shit you do, just to knock some sense into you. Don't talk to me like that when I'm trying to help your stupid ass. You have the nerve to wonder why the half the world don't like your ass. You make it real easy!"

She actually stood there for a minute and waited for me to respond to that but I couldn't believe she had the audacity to say that to my face. It was my house so I should've been the one kick her ass out for once, but instead I walked away and hopped into my Dodge Viper and left. I didn't know where I was going but didn't want to be around that energy.


I don't even feel bad for what I said, hopefully what I said will make his ass grow the hell up! I'm tired of it. I do everything I can without effort to help him out right now and it's not good enough for him, it's not going down anymore I said all I could. Time isn't going to stop because you have a crisis going on, I can't jump at the beat of your rhythm.

"Brielle what's the matter," Brett asked I sat up in his bed.

"Nothing, why?"

"Cause I been talking to you for the past few minutes and you haven't said anything."

"My bad I was just in my own world, what were you saying?"

"I wanted to know if you thought it was cool for you to meet my parents Monday for dinner?"

I smiled, "I would love too."

No one has ever asked me that before, it made me feel good inside that for once a guy actually wants to introduce me to his parents and not his bed. Brett and I are on a good pace with each other, I can see that he wants to be my friend first then try to move into the next phase. I still haven't gotten to suck on those juicy ass lips of his but I know it's coming.

"You sure nothing is on your mind?"

"Yeah, I'm cool just tired that's all."

I want to call him Bae so badly but I don't know how he'll react to it, we haven't been talking for that long but damn I just want some type of affection from him.

"Am I boring you?" He smiled.

"No you're actually just what I need."

"Oh is that right?" Brett smiled wrapping his hand on my waist.

Great, now lay on top of me. Kiss my chest, tell me how bad you want me, damn Brett do something.

"I'm glad you here, I was thinking a lot about you since Friday."

Alright it's not exactly what I wanted but it's a good start. "What about me were you thinking of?"

"That beautiful smile and your eyes. It's like burned into my mind I can't forget them."

How corny, I can't do this shit right now he's just moving too damn slow and being too damn nice. I got to go. My mind too distracted anyways and I'm not interested in this conversation as I should be.

"Damn, I need to get started on my paper. I wish I could stay here with you but if I don't get started now I'll be too lazy to start it later." I lied.

"It's all good, if you finish it early or need a break my door is open."

Keep that bitch closed I thought to myself as I walked back to my dorm. Making it to my room I got under the covers of my own bed, getting on my laptop to see what Mediatakeout was talking about today with they lying ass.

EXCLUSIVE: Singer CHRIS BROWN CAUGHT sneaking out of the hotel of Rihanna.

I clicked on the link and read up on it. Less than a few minutes ago Chris Brown was seen sneaking out of the hotel of ex - girlfriend Rihanna. The two are reportedly on the verge of getting back together for a while, clearly Chris is putting in the work.

I shook my head and closed the computer while the article was still up, I grabbed my phone and was going to call him but I decided no to. He's a grown as man, let him do what he wants to do. I can't be all up his ass telling him what to watch out for. I logged on to my phone on Twitter and went to see what was going on and to tweet some shit out of my own . I was completely unaware that Chris was on speaking terms with her like that so I decided to do a little detective work.

11:37 PM 4 Oct 12 - @rihanna - Ain't nobody bidness . . . But mine and my baby

1:09 PM 1 Oct 12 - @chrisbrown - Happiness is something I'm never guaranteed . . . How do expect me to guarantee yours ?

Clearly he does not need my help, he has all the help and support he needs from his "baby" .

10:57 PM 8 Oct 12 - @Briiiix3 - Momma always told me don't go finding something that's only going to make you mad .

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