Free Run ✗23

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When I got home I was feeling real bad about the way I called her out on her shit. I meant what I said and we said some foul shit to each other, but why did I have to apologize for being real? Females man, always got to take shit to heart when you're only being honest with them but when the tables are turned I don't say shit half the time cause I know it's the truth. Sometimes you don't want to hear the truth because it hurts more than the lie, but if that's the price you pay then you get what you deserve.

I gave it some time before I started up calling her for an apology speech but like expected she wasn't answering. I'm getting real tired of this shit. I don't have to do a damn thing I could drop her like a bad habit if I wanted to but she's just one of those addictions you can't kick. I could find new friends like that, shit I can buy new friends if I wanted to but I can't find anything like her. If I don't have her up my ass 24/7 bitching and complaining then who else do I have? Not a lot people been in my corner like she has, Brielle has always told me what's right and wouldn't steer me in the wrong direction no matter how she put it.

- Hear me out aight, I shouldn't have called you a bitch but it's better to have heard it from me than somebody else . If calling you out on your bullshit makes me a bad person then I apologize, it's really hard for me to even say this right now because I shouldn't have to apologize for the truth . You know damn well that I would never want to make you feel this way, you know I don't like when you give the cold shoulder . I understand how you feel so believe when I say I'm sorry, Aight we good now ? 8:46 PM

BrielleFuck out of here with that weak ass apology and stop calling my damn phone I'm tired of hearing my phone vibrate every damn 5 minutes 9:00 PM

- I swear man you have fucking issues, I DIDN'T DO SHIT TO YOU !!! Yeah okay you let me fuck you that night, I greatly appreciate it . Daddy dick and I thank you but I didn't kiss her purposely she walked up on me . So what's the fucking problem ? 9:02 PM

Brielle – The way you handled the situation is what hurts, I didn't let you have sex with me because I was in the mood to. I did it because I saw something different in you and I thought you could handle it . It's one thing letting you kiss me knowingly you been kissing on her, but I let you hit and don't know if you been fucking her too! I should've known that something would flip the situation and the real you would come out, once she walked into the room I became Brielle Who ? If I would've walked out without being seen you wouldn't have noticed I left because you practically choked the bitch with your tongue . If that makes me a bitch then I'll be it . #IMTHATBITCH 9:05 PM

- So this is about her ? 9:05 PM

Brielle – No I just sat here for the last 5 minutes telling you this shit is about you . It's about what you did and didn't do 9:06 PM

- I'm not understanding the problem then, I explained myself and I apologize when I didn't have to . I guess I just give a shit too much about nothing . 9:07 PM

Brielle didn't respond after that, I don't know what I was suppose to say or do after that. But this shit is pissing me off, I'm done with it I'm going to go get me a bottle. It's now irrelevant to me. If she doesn't want to accept my apology then I can't force her to, she'll get over it soon anyway.

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