Free Run ✗11

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So I proved myself wrong, there are different alternatives to giving yourself away to somebody. Just goes to show that every ones way of thinking isn't the same, there are a couple young ass girls who will take my words for granted and fuck somebody just to fuck them without thinking about the consequences afterwards or how your image is going to look. Today it's called, doing you. Times have gotten old to just wait until you're married, some people can and others can't. If you can wait that long may god be with you! If you can find somebody as special to you like I did then it will be worth the wait, you just better pray feelings won't be caught making it awkward for you to continue whatever relationship y'all have together.

I think I've done enough preaching for you right now, I need to break down this experience. Holy shit, god please excuse my language, but damn. It hurt, it really did not going to lie. At some parts I was embarrassed, self conscious that certain parts of my body didn't look right to him. Maybe I wasn't going hard enough for him, but once he kissed me I don't know what happen but it took the pain away and those thoughts left my mind. All I wanted to do was be better than him, I told his ass not to kiss me but he did, I told his ass not to put his hands where they didn't belong but he did, and I told his ass NOT to go below the waist but he did. Everything felt good except for the kiss and his tongue, well the tongue game wasn't bad at all but I just didn't like his face down there. The sexual feeling of having sex was indescribable.

Bet you paid more attention to the details and the emotional feelings that I had during the process instead of everything else I said that ACTUALLY MATTERS. But I'm not going to preach anymore, it's not my life I chose my path.

I need to back track for one minute, I don't know what his problem was or if Chris had to go some where but that morning I woke up he was gone. I can't lie and say that it didn't bother me because it did, especially when I haven't heard from him in a couple of days it made me feel like that's all he wanted from me. No need to avoid the awkward face to face conversation, it was already awkward enough getting it started.

"Brielle baby we're home," the lovely madre Maria said coming through the front door.

"Were you afraid at all during the storm?" My dad asked.

"No I was cool actually, I had things here to keep me entertained in the dark." I smiled

"You ain't had no niggas in my house did you," my dad asked.

I laughed, "No it was just me." I lied.

"That's what you better have said," he said as they walked up the stairs.

That shit wouldn't be funny for me if his ass really knew what went down, after they got home things died down. Dinner was made and everything was back to they way it usually is, boring. It's become one of those nights where I reflect on my life, and I come to the conclusion that I'm twenty-three years old and I don't have any REAL friends. I kicked Jocelyn's nasty ass to the curve, she's pregnant. That's what she get maybe it will slow her down. I don't know that has nothing to do with me. But I just couldn't surround myself with someone like her, whenever I was with her she would just bring my attitude down. I feel sorry for the kid though hope she know who the baby daddy is, oops! I'm not the sorry, the way she treated I should have been just kept myself years ago.

Right when I was about to go to bed around 1:30 AM my damn phone started ringing. Chris telling me to open the damn door. Just when I'm about to drop this nigga want to bother me while.

"What are you doing here, my parents are home." I said letting him in.

"So, I wanted to see you is that a problem ?"

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