Free Run ✗15

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So fucking tired of hearing my name in the damn media, no matter where I go I know that there is an X amount of people who love me and an X amount of people who hate me. When I look onto the blogs I see more hatred coming at me then I do love, pretty much where ever I look to that's what I receive. When I walk into a room I know people judge me. Damn that's Chris Brown, dang he knock the shit out that girl. Chris Brown should just give it up no one likes his sorry ass, or I fucking hate Chris Brown there is no reason for him to be breathing right now they should've locked his ass up! People seem to fail to realize that I'm still human, I still have feelings. Just as you cry I can do the same, I'm twenty-three years old and feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. It's heavy and I can't breathe.

"So how was that date!" I smiled lightly as I rolled up papers with Brielle in my room.

"It was . . . Good to say the least, he was really sweet I like him so far. If only his ass would have sprung up like two months ago everything would be perfect. When he took me back to my room he kissed me on the cheek goodnight, I thought it was cute but I expected a little bit more."

"Damn how much more ?" Asking as I licked the paper to seal.

"A couple of hugs here and there, some waist grabs maybe, and a damn kiss on the lips." Brielle giggled a bit.

"His ass is gay," I said as I lit the blunt up.

"You're so damn negative, just because he was nice don't make him gay. You can not worry about what I do and the people I talk to how about that. You don't see me judging the little nasty ass hoes you talk to."

"You just did."

"That doesn't count, you know what I'm talking about."

"You could find better."

"Where the hell am I going to find a guy that values the same things that I do? He's like one in a million so I definitely need to keep him on lock."

I wasn't in the mood to get into one of our little back and forth "arguments", I took a big hit from the blunt and turned the lights down low before I got back into my bed. This has been a fucked up time for me, I don't feel like doing shit but being alone with the exception of Brielle.

"So what's going on with you, I feel like I haven't talk you in weeks." She asked.

"You mean you haven't turned on the t.v lately?"

"No I don't have time for that shit, I do have a life and don't even watch t.v like that."

I smiled then broke out into a little laughter as I took another hit. "Well I, I tested positive for marijuana on my probation and now they're trying to say that I didn't even follow through with my community service so now I have another court date coming up in a couple weeks."

"The fuck Chris? That shit ain't funny, look at you you're still smoking the damn weed too."

"Don't give me that shit because in a minute you're going to asking for the other half."

She sighed deeply taking on a serious tone, "I swear sometimes you just do dumbest shit without thinking it through first . . I can't be here right now, I have to wake up early tomorrow. I'm not trying to be the one who said I told you so, but you get my drift."

"No, don't go I need to talk to you. You don't know how fucking stressed out I am right now, I need someone to talk to, I got too much on my plate right now."

"If you're going to talk to me then put the bud out."

"You serious?" I said looking over at her after I just made this.

"Dead ass, I'm not playing."

I sighed getting up to flush it down the toilet but she stopped me. "Wait, let me take one hit. School kicking my ass." She admitted taking it out my hand then she flushed it down the toilet. "Okay, what's going on with you because clearly you're not in your right mind. The Chris I know would be still bitching about me about the date I had, you seem distant nowadays."

"I'm trying to please everyone but no matter what I fucking do it's never good enough, I'm trying to show people that I'm really not a bad person."

"Who are you really trying to convince that to ? The public or yourself?"

When it all comes down to it I know I can count on Brielle to set me straight, she's real with me but sometimes she just keeps it too damn real.

"I just don't know what to do man, you don't know how I feel about her. I pray to god you'll never be put in the situation she's in, this is hard for the both of us. The spot light is constantly on us, even after like three years I get treated as if it's happened yesterday."

"Then do what you do best, continue living for Christopher Maurice Brown and him only, at the end of the day people are going to talk about you regardless . People love you for you and they hate you for what you do, but unlike others you just have a higher number of people that don't like you  Nothing to trip over because none of them matter, only one man can judge you."

"It's hard."

"Complaining isn't going to make it better.""

I began to put my lip out like a puppy "You know what would make me feel better?"

She laughed "What?"

"When you talk all intellectual, recite a poem please."

She's laughed, "What really? Fine - ." she started.

I cut her off before she said anything. "Before you kick it off can you at least lay close to me?"

"For what?"

"Just do it, I need something to hold on to."

She sighed, "Fine dammit." Brielle laid close next to me in the bed and began


"The caged bird sings with a fearful trill,
Of things unknown but longed for still.
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze.
And the trade winds soft through,
The sighing trees.
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright
Lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged Bird stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream,
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied.
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with,
A fearful trill of things unknown.
But longed for still and his,
Tune is heard on the distant hill.
For the caged bird sings of freedom."

"Damn, who was that by?" Chris asked hugging tight to me.

"Maya Angelou . . . Chris, what the hell is that I feel?" I laughed.

"Don't pay attention to it, I was just really into that poem." He laughed lightly.

"Yeah I would say so, your damn dick is poking my back."

He laughed, "You can either ignore it or do something about it."

"You always have to turn something sexual between us."

"Like I said you can ignore it or do something about it." Chris repeated as he began lightly kissing my shoulder.

"Alright then, where's the condom?" I smiled.

"For real?" He questioned shooting up his from the bed.

"Hell no, I told you already the door is closed to you. Plus we just sat here for twenty minutes for you to tell me how sad you are and how you wish things could be different between you and her but yet you trying to tempt me with sex? No thank you, I don't appreciate that. Perfect example of why I say you need to think before you do dumb shit."


Again, just to repeat one more time. I know it's been more than three years since Chris Brown and Rihanna had their issue, but the story was written in 2013 and I'm not changing anything because it will mess up the rest of the series. Which is why I'm sorry the chapters are short, I was still in my beginning stages of writing.

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