Part 6

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Same day

Laksh watched Ragini enter the room with a content smile on her face. He waited for her to speak to him but she ignored him and headed straight to the washroom.
He grit his teeth in anger as he thought about the day's events.
He had seen Ragini enter the Mansion with Sanskar. He had seen her giggling with Sanskar and enjoying a hearty laugh.
Here he was waiting for his wife and she was enjoying her time with his brother. How easily she had ditched him!

He stared at her intently waiting for her to say something but Ragini seemed to ignore him.
She kept the bags on the bed and moved into the washroom. Few minutes later she emerged in her saree and sat beside the dressing table brushing her hair.

Laksh had had enough and finally broke the silence.

"How was your day? Had a fun ignoring your husband and spending time with his brother? " Laksh spat in anger.

Ragini was shocked. She had been expecting an apology or even remorse for his actions towards her in the morning but boy was she mistaken !
His tone was more accusatory than ever and he had suddenly turned around and made the issue about himself.

"Laksh !" Ragini raised her voice.
She had never spoken to him in such a tone but today his words forced her too. She had always tolerated the taunts and insults that came her way but today he had gone too far.
He had disrespected her, manhandled her in the office and instead of apologizing, here he was taunting her again when the fault had been his.
She had tried calling him during the day but he had cut her call.

"Don't you raise your voice with me. You argue with me, ignore me all day and now you decide to raise your voice with me" He yelled at her.

Ragini seemed startled. The tone of his voice was more aggressive than ever and was becoming dangerous.

She decided to keep her voice calm and reply to his taunt.

"I did call you during the day even and you decided to cut my call."

"So you should have called me again. You know I need space after an argument. But why didn't you check on me later. Isn't it your responsibility to check on your husband to know his well being? "

"To misbehave with your wife and then expect her to keep calling you to check your well being is a bit much of an expectation from your side"

"Misbehaviour. When did I misbehave with you? I just held your arms too tight when I was angry. You can't expect to act rational then. You should understand that this is normal for me"

"You think manhandling your wife and then feeling no guilt for it but justifying it is normal?"
Ragini was appalled by his words. To have such a demanding attitude and feel no remorse made it seem like Laksh only cared about himself. He didn't even want to acknowledge that his actions were wrong.

"You are becoming too sensitive Ragini. Earlier you were never like this. You had tolerated every tantrum and temper of mine without any complaint. But now that you have started working, you find fault in everything I do. " He exclaimed displeased.

"What has my working at a job got to do with my behaviour. You find my displeasure at being manhandled as being too sensitive? What is wrong with you Laksh ? How are you so blind to your faults? Can you not see your mistake? She half yelled in desperation.

"See. You have never fought with me like this. This is only happening now that you are independent and working with me." He complained

"What is wrong with you? I m fighting because you fail to see your mistake Laksh" She exclaimed in frustration.

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