Part 8

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Hey guys😊😊 Missed me😄 I m sure you did😉So here I am with the next update 😊 Hoping you like it😊😍Sorry for making you guys wait so long 😘

Note this part is a continuation in the flashback. It is a continuation of the part where AP had requested Ragu- Laksh for a child and Swara had informed Suju that she and Sanskar were planning for a child.

Dialogues in bold
Thoughts in Italics
Narration in normal font

Sanskar sighed as he tried to focus on the presentation for the third time that day. No matter what he did, he couldn't concentrate on the task at hand. His thoughts kept going back to the incidents over the past few days.

He was unable to sleep because of the conversation he had had with Swara and his mom that day regarding the child. The incessant teasing by the family members, the expectant eyes of his mother, the nonchalant attitude of Swara towards having a proper discussion with him irritated him to no end. Plus he hadn't spoken to Ragini for the past few days and he was getting restless. He was missing her light-hearted yet insightful talks. She always helped him gain a perspective on the situation. But he wondered if she could help him clear his thoughts on the current situation. She seemed distressed the past couple of days.
Ever since that night, he had seen Ragini lost in thought whenever he saw her. It was as though she was battling an inner dilemma. And the behaviour of the family towards her was baffling to say the least.
He had seen the way Annapurna's eyes lit up as Ragini entered the room and also how her gaze used to make Ragini uncomfortable. He was meaning to speak to her about it but he had been so busy.

His train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of his cellphone ringing. He quickly picked up his phone and spoke to the person on the other line.

"Yes Mr Chatterjee. Yeah I have the details. Okay. Will meet you at the venue in half an hour." Sanskar politely replied as he cut the call.

He quickly shut his laptop and kept his belongings with him. He had to be at the meeting in half an hour.

He strove towards his car with a determined face. He had to secure the contract as both he and Ragini had worked day and night for this project and given it their all and he wasn't going to let their efforts go down the drain just because his personal life had been stressed.

Their efforts would prove fruitful and he would speak to her today after the meeting. He smiled at the last thought and quickly put his belongings in the car and drove off.


Ragini stared at the file lost in thoughts. Her head had been aching and it was almost as if whatever words she was reading, were not registering in her mind.

She was supposed to review the tender details and send it by evening but it was as though her mind was in no mood to cooperate. She signed as she rubbed her fingers at her forehead in an attempt to release the tension.

The last week was stressful to say the least. With the incessant fights she had been having with Laksh, with Laksh having stormed out of each one, it was getting difficult to keep her emotions in check and concentrate.
Laksh was in no mood to listen to her thoughts regarding the child. He had assumed her reluctance was on account of her career and was too stubborn to listen while she was getting fed up of trying to explain things to him. Added to that, the expectant eyes of her mother in law and other family members made her uncomfortable. She had tried speaking to Swara about the matter but Swara had snubbed it off as her insecurity and had supported Laksh's stance on the matter.

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