i. Tsukishima Kei

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Note :
This takes place somewhere on the training camp.


The night was cold. Which is fairly obvious when you both are sitting next to each other out in the open.

But the warmth he spared you did not went unnoticed.

It was late, but you and the middle-blocker managed to snuck out of your room for a planned secret rendezvous. The blond-haired man looked tired after a long day of practice, but he still came on time.

You were taken aback when Tsukishima told you to meet him here, an unfamiliar grass field near the gymnasium, but you nodded anyway. After all he won't do something without a logical reason behind.

Both sat in silence, enjoying the quiet moment you rarely get as everyone know your team was somehow always the source of ruckus.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" You asked, glancing up the eerie sky, amused to find a silver orb shining unfazed.

"Honestly? Nothing." He said, leaning back while his hands held off his weight. "Eh?" You can't help but raised an eyebrow, blatantly confused by his attitude.

There's no way in hell a guy like him wanted to waste his time solely for no reason. With you as his company on top of that.

"Seriously?" You moved your gaze to him, trying to get a clearer answer, an answer better than 'nothing'. His expression remained monotone, unphased.

"You know, once a novelist as well as a teacher named Sohseki Natsumé told his student that men shouldn't say 'I love you', but 'The moon is beautiful.' instead." He brought his gaze upward, expecting to meet the graceful round satellite. He held his stare as if looking something familiar, something that's been a part of him for so long.

You played back to what he just said in your head, the confusion adding. "It's rare to see you get so philosophical, moreover about this kind of thing. Are you in love with someone, Tsukki?" You questioned him quizzically, sensing a strange need for him to say no.

"I guess."

You could feel your stomach dropped, and it kinda stayed there. You fidgeted at the unusual uneasiness, clearly in denial of what's happening that you indeed, have feelings for him, fully knowing you don't have a chance with the tall middle blocker. That fact stirred up your stomach unmercifully.

"Oh?" You hanged my head, hugging you knees as the air suddenly felt a lot colder.

"You're not gonna ask who is it?" He glanced at you sideways, "You're the one who likes to snoop in other people's business the most, right?" then flashed a signature yet expected smug smirk.

You punched his arm lightly, "Meanie," puffing your cheeks while turning your face the opposite direction of his figure, mostly because perhaps the aching inside your chest would ease. He chuckled lightly and the silence came back, comfortable enough to finally let all the things he said sink in.

So he really is in love with someone, you thought to yourself, just like you're keeping your feelings for him to yourself.

The stillness continues until you heard a mumble that's barely counted as a whisper.

"The moon is beautiful tonight."

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