A new Place-Again

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Song: Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan- sung by Bely Basarte

We have been living in the car for a week now. Do you have any idea what it's like to be homeless? This is freaking crazy and I so need a shower. Going to the local park to use the bathroom and washing in the sink is beyond words but you will do what you have to.

I get home from school today or should I say back to the parked car and both of them are actually smiling.

"We found a place, were moving in the morning." My mom beams at me. I guess by now she too is tired of the cramped up car.

"Where to this time?" I ask.

"Drop the attitude," my dad warns.

I don't have an attitude, I was just curious. But anyway.

Comes to find out it's in another county which means I have to change schools again for the hundredth time. Yay for me.

I don't get much sleep in the car because all I can thing about is my empty stomach growling begging to be fed and then my freezing body shivering to the bone. My fingers are going numb. Not to mention on top of all this them snoring dear lord I try to block out my surroundings but nothing works.

Morning finally comes and we drive to meet the new landlord. The house is alright I guess, I mean at least it's a place to stay. The place looks like no one has lived here for a while. He greets my parents and they of course put on a show.

"It's three bedrooms, two bathroom, you have to pay first months rent now along with the one hundred deposit. Also no pets allowed. Any questions?" He asks. I try to ignore the way he keeps looking at me.

"No sir, so five hundred today right?" says my dad.

"Yes sir and you of course have to pay the utilities and the up keep of the place."

My dad takes out money from his wallet and hands it over. I wonder where he got that. Hell if he had it to begin with why not pay the other landlord but I don't dare ask about it.

I take the room in the far part of the house because I want to be as far away from them as possible. The house is empty of course, nothing like sleeping on a hard cold floor.

We don't have any electricity all weekend and it's cold in here but it's better than being in the cramped up car freezing. At least here I am alone again just the way I like it.

Monday morning comes and my mom wakes me up before heading to work.

"Cecilia time to get up, time to make new friends." She says with a slight smile.

I groan, but get out of bed. No reason to stay home with him. So I might as well face the new school, same old crap.

We pull and the school is not much different from the last. As I walk in with her, I look around noticing that this school has clicks just like all the rest. You can tell who is popular and who is not and the jocks from the geeks. Same old thing over and over. I pass by a group of girls who immediately start talking about me the moment I pass by.

There are several guys that I hear talking about me being a new girl and all. Some comments I would rather not say I even heard.

I follow beside my mom, making our way to the front office as more gossip floating around me about must be new, and who is that girl.

The secretary behind the desk greets us with a smile and she is over bubbly, joy. "May I help you?" she says way too cheerfully.

"Yes, I would like to enroll my daughter to this school; we just moved here on Saturday." My mom gives her a fake smile, trying to be bubbly like the secretary.

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