Our Secret

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Song: Gift of a Friend  by Demi Lovato

"Mom I'm eighteen and it's not like we did anything." Emily argues with her mom.

"Emily you know better." She argues back.

"Dad will you please remind mom that I am eighteen and I'm moving in a few weeks to go to college."

"I'm staying out of this one." He picks up the paper and pretends to be reading.

Mrs. Banks huffs, "Well Cecilia is not eighteen yet. You two should not be on a beach with boys late at night. If something was to happen..."

"Nothing happened mom. Dear lord they were only kissing." She stands up for me.

"And what if we didn't get back when we did....huh! Would it have gone farther than that?"

They argue as if I'm not even in the room. I had enough. I stand between them. "I'm sorry alright Mrs. Banks. Please don't be mad at Emily she didn't do anything. I promise you nothing happened nothing was going to happen it was just a kiss."

She takes a deep breath and lets it all out. "I just don't want anything to happen."

Emily hugs her mom. "I know mom, you mean well, but I promise you nothing happened."

Emily and I look at each other apologizing without saying anything to each other.

The ride back home was quiet. We slept most of the way back. About an hour before arriving back home everyone was talking again and singing to the radio. They don't stay mad at each other long. If this had been my family it would have ended up in a huge argument with physical contact and believe me someone would have gotten hurt.


I can't believe the time is finally here for Emily to leave. She is moving to Atlanta. Emily did not mention to her parents that Mason was also moving near Atlanta. She told me all about it and to not say a word to anyone. I know one should not keep secrets but I have never had a friend to confined in and it feels good so I will keep the secret to myself.

Pops took me to get my license and he even helped me get a car. It's a light grey Nissan Altima. Of course I had to get a job to help out with the payments. I work at a local pizza place in town waiting on tables. I don't plan on doing this forever because it reminds me of my mom in a way. She waited on tables forever and I'm sure she may have even worked her before. I haven't given much thought about my moma the last few months. The last time I seen her was in court that day and even then she looked down at the floor the whole time.

My father on the other hand, I wish I could forget him. However he is always in the back on my mind. I have nightmares still about him coming after me. And when I look in the mirror, the scars remind me of him and the times he was so cruel to me. They say he will never get out of jail but I don't believe them. I know he will find a way. Even if he doesn't get out he will continue to haunt me.

Weston is also working now. He is saving up money so when we graduate, he plans on us moving out of here, out of this town...out of the state all together.

Senior year is flying by. I actually make a few friends this year can you believe that. Drama is going great and we are getting ready for another play. So between practicing and working every day I stay pretty busy.

I wasn't even planning on going to prom. However Weston asked my Pops if he could take me and now that's all I hear. Grammy says that if I don't go I will regret it so she insists on me going and helping me find a dress. But this week Emily is home so Grammy told me that I could have her take me that way we can spend time with each other.

She holds up a red dress to me. I shake my head no. "So I assume you want a mint green dress right." She laughs. Then holds up a bright pink dress.

"I like mint green, what's so wrong with that?" I argue back.

"Nothing but you should try on other colors, besides do you know how difficult it is going to be to find a freakin' mint green dress?"

"Yes I do...at least no one will have the same dress." I smile.

"True..." She shrugs her shoulders.

As I am trying on dresses I ask her, "So how is college?"

"I love it. So if I tell you something can you keep a secret?" She says in almost a whisper.

"Why are you whispering there is no one here that even knows you?" I smirk. "And yes I can keep a secret I still haven't said anything about Mason."

She shakes her head and smiles at me. She holds up her hand, flashing a diamond ring.

"What's this?" I smile in excitement.

"Mason asked me to get married." She jumps up and down.

"So the two of you....who would have thought." I rolled my eyes.

"There's something else."


"I'm two months pregnant. Cecilia my parents are not going to be happy. I don't know how to tell them."

"Emily! Wow!" I'm lost for words. "So are you happy about it."

Her eyes glisten with tears and she smiles. "I'm stoked..." She reaches down and rubs her stomach. "I'm due in November."

"Well if you are excited...I'm excited."

I come out of the dressing room holding the dress that I want. I just hope Weston likes it. Of course it just so happens to be a mint green dress. It is something simple with a little bit of white lace at the top and it comes just right past my knees,  not all the way down like most prom dresses. Maybe he will be able to find a tux to match.

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