Entry 1 - Unrequited Love

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I basically have hours of time in which I do nothing but sit around in our massive rooms, so I figured I'd write down my life's story. It's strange enough that it might just interest someone someday. At worst, at least I'll have something interesting to read.
So, here goes nothing.

Entry 1: Unrequited love

I think those two words best describe my situation at present.

You've probably all heard of it, and are sick and tired of stories about it by now.

You probably think this is just another cliche story about person A seeing person B and falling madly in love, but being friend zoned by said person. That story usually ends with both persons eventually expressing their obvious feelings for each other and living happily ever after.

And if you can get past the fact that it's a story about unrequited love, what if I told you that this man that I love is a prince? And a handsome charming one at that?

Again you would scream that this wasn't original at all. That you were over fairy tales by now, and then you would probably throw the book away in disgust.

But please, give this story a chance. This isn't a cliche or a fairy tale, and I'm not saying that it will end happy. This is, after all, the story of my life, so even I can't tell you how it will end.

This is the story of how I fell in love with my own husband only to be told that I would never be loved back.

You see, this marriage was arranged in order to keep the common people happy with the monarchy. My husband assured me that he only married me to please his kingdom and parents, and that he could never love a man.

This man is seriously straight. Like, if you tried to bend him he wouldn't probably snap. I didn't even know they came that rigid.

This is the story of my attempts to earn the affection of my gorgeous husband. This is the story of my unrequited love.

So please, give this story a chance, if only so that I can feel like I am being heard. You see, people seldom hear me out. I'm married to a prince, I should be happy, they say. But that alone could never make me happy. How was into spend the rest of my days trapped in a one sided marriage?

I can't promise you that this will end happily. If I knew that, I would never have had to write all this.

But let's start this story, where all good stories start. At the beginning.

It all began when I got the letter marked with the king's royal seal...

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