Entry 2 - That Letter

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As I said, it all started when I got that letter marked with the king's royal seal. Now of course I was extremely scared of what that letter might contain. Me and the royal family weren't exactly friends.

Let me back up just a little bit.

So, our country is pretty backwards in coming forward. All the surrounding countries had approved things like gay marriage years ago, yet in our country it's still not allowed. Like what the heck? It's the 21st century!

So, naturally, I became a leading voice in speaking out against this. If the monarchy couldn't move with the times, then maybe it was time that we moved on from the monarchy. That kind of talk, I'm sure, didn't sit well with them.

So, when I got this letter that summoned me to court, let's just say I was a little scared. More like quaking in my boots, to be exact.

My mom hugged me like she's never see me again, which wasn't very reassuring, and my sister was almost crying.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the letter said I was to be escorted to the palace that very day. My mom was sure that meant they were going to put me in prison or something.

Well, if I was going to die, at least it would be for a good cause.

By the time we reached the palace, I had decided that the king would know my mind before I met my end. But everyone treated me very civilly, and when I got there, I was brought to a room and told that the king would see me soon.

This must be important if I wasn't even expected to wait around for him.

It was only ten minutes later when the massive doors opened, and four people walked in. I recognized the king, and bowed immediately.

Following him was the queen, and behind her were Prince Elliot (who paparazzi had caught kissing a guy twice, so I felt better with him in the room. At lease they weren't going to kill me)and Prince Thomas (who is probably he most attractive man I have ever seen) who was frowning and looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Mr. Williams." I somehow dragged my attention from Thomas, to the king. "We have summoned you here to give you a proposition. It is well known that you are of the opinion that gay marriage should be allowed in my country."

I glanced a Elliot, who gave me the thumbs up.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am." The king nodded.

"It's not that I have a problem with it, it's just hard to stop old traditions. I have been hesitant to change any of the laws of my parents, but apparently, I have been much to hesitant.

You are an active voice in this attempt to make gay marriage lawfully, but I don't think even you are aware of how serious it has become. I'm afraid the monarchy is in a very dangerous position. And so, I am brought to the subject of my proposition." He leaned forward, his mouth set in a determined line.

"At this point, it will not be enough to allow gay marriage, which of course, starting tomorrow I will." Obviously, this was as much news to Prince Elliot as it was to me. I could almost see the squeal of joy he somehow managed to contain.

"But the people have grown too upset with the monarchy for that. They need to see that we don't just allow it, but we support it."

"This all sounds really great and all, but how exactly do I fit into this?" Prince Thomas glanced at me, an unreadable expression in his dark eyes.

"For the sake of bringing peace to our country, my proposition is that you marry one of my sons."

I don't exactly remember the first thought that passed through my head when he said that, but I do remember that my mouth dropped open, and I couldn't form a sentence.

"Of course, you may have time to consider this, but I'm afraid to say that if you refuse, I see no point in allowing gay marriage at all." It was so offhand the way he said it, that he almost concealed the blackmail. Almost.

"So, you are saying that if I don't marry one of the princes, I won't be able to marry anyone at all, and no one else like me will ever be able to marry." It wasn't a question, and the kings hard eyes met mine unblinkingly.

"I wouldn't put it like that, but yes, that is basically what I am saying." Elliot was giving his father a disapproving glare, Thomas was looking anywhere but at me, and the queen was  regarding me, her head tilted to one side.

"W-which of your son's are you proposing that I marry?" If it was Elliot, I would be totally cool with it. He wasn't overbearing as far as I could see, and I could see us totally getting along. Oh and yeah, he's gay.

"Prince Thomas."

"Why him?" I didn't quite realize I was yelling until it came out. "He's not even remotely into men, everyone knows that! What about Elliot?" The king looked taken aback, Thomas looked slightly amused, and Elliot mouthed "sorry" and looked vaguely uncomfortable.

"That is precisely why it must be him. He's had made remarks in the last that have put him in a rather bad place in this regard. It must be him who shows his support of this movement, or the people will not be content. Besides, whatever happens to Prince Elliot is none of your concern."

Nonetheless, Elliot mouthed that he would explain later. Thomas caught him talking to me, and gave him a look that I'm glad I wasn't on the receiving end of. It didn't seem to phase Elliot though, and he beamed back at me.

"So, you're telling me that in order for all gay people in your country to be able to finally marry whoever they want, I have to marry this guy who has openly spoken out against gay marriage?" Thomas had the grace to look embarrassed.

"Yes, that is what I am saying."

Sounds bad, but looking at him, I could be a lot worse. I mean, the guy was practically a god. I could cut myself on those cheekbones, and his eyes-

"Do you need time to consider?" I liked between them all. For once, the king was waiting on me. It felt kind of good, to be honest.

"I don't seem to have much of a choice." I looked over at Thomas, who finally was looking at me.

"So, Prince Charming, when are you going to propose to me?"

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